It could not happen that you challenge them during public gatherings & touch their feet at night time: Maryam Nawaz

ISLAMABAD, Sep 20 (SABAH): While lashing out at ex-premier and Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan, Vice-President PML-N Maryam Nawaz Sharif has challenged him to bring forward the proof of any security threats instead of hiding behind pseudonyms for his attacks with “Mr X” and “Mr Y”. She said that Imran Khan starts reading ABC, adding that it could not happen that you challenge them during public gatherings and touch their feet at night time. She said that Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif will return back and justice will be done in his also, adding that the justice will prevail at last.

Maryam Nawaz said this while talking to media persons outside the Islamabad High Court (IHC) after appearing before the court on Tuesday, over her appeal against conviction in the Avenfield apartments reference.

Lambasting the PTI chairman, she said that he provokes people by telling them to break the idol of fear, while he didn’t have the courage to even name someone directly. Referring to the rumored secret meetings and go-betweens, she asked if Imran ever told his party members with whom he meets in secret. She added that it could not be that he calls out certain people during his public rallies but then pleads with the same people behind closed doors.

It’s God’s grandness that he used to involve in all reshuffling through calls, now saying that his members were being called, she said, and added “we used to receive threatening calls as well but we faced. Their revolution had died just after the passage of two months.”

Maryam Nawaz said that Imran Khan talked about a letter at first and then said conspiracy was woven for ouster of his government, terming USA responsible for this and dubbing new government as imported government whereas now central point of his conversation revolves around the appointment of new Army Chief.

 Maryam Nawaz maintained, “Amazingly, Imran Khan says it is justified if Army Chief is appointed at my will otherwise I will defame the whole institution and paint their faces black. Is this a democratic person? If he met with anyone he should tell this the nation, his party and core committee.”

She said that it was important to unmask Imran and show his true face to the public. Calling Imran a coward, she asked why was the former prime minister scared of taking names instead of hiding behind pseudonyms for his attacks with “Mr X” and “Mr Y”.

Those he holds responsible, why is he so afraid to take their names, she asked, adding that the former premier must show proof of his allegations if he has any.

Other parties including PML-N took out long march but all of them excluding PTI did so why complying with democratic ways but Imran Khan acted totally otherwise. Indeed Imran Khan wants to hide his thefts and he is resorted to a drama whereas the world knows him very well, she alleged.

She also condemned a dacoity at journalist Fowzia Shahid’s home and said that she will contact with Federal Minister for Interior Rana Sanaullah Khan to look into the matter.

Raise in electricity bills was beyond the reach of the people due to which they were suffering, Maryam Nawaz said, adding it was due to incompetency of Imran Khan and previous government agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). She expressed her optimism about the revival of economy with the passage of time.  

Maryam Nawaz said that she still had trust in God for justice, adding that once the decision of her case is read out, she will say all that she wanted to say.