Israel has turned Gaza into a living hell: Anwaarul Haq Kakar

RIYADH, Nov 11 (SABAH): Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar has said that Israel has turned Gaza into a living hell. He said that the greatest onus is on the United Nations Security Council to rise above their differences and urgently perform their primary responsibility of maintaining peace and security.

This was stated by Anwaarul Haq Kakar while addressing an extraordinary joint Arab-Islamic Summit on Gaza situation chaired by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman in Riyadh on Saturday. He said that 70 years ago the framers of the United Nations Charter had pledged to save the succeeding generation from the scourge of war, unfortunately we have been made to witness and agonizing dissent into another war in Gaza what is worse this was genocide.

Anwaarul Haq Kakar said that our hearts bleed at the distressing image of the stained women and children, flattened apartment blocks, bombed hospitals and schools, destroy refugee camps, slaughtered UN officials and blazing ambulances, Israel has turned Gaza into a living hell. He said that Israel’s incessant flouting of international law with impunity has few, few parallels in history, adding that he condemns the atrocities in strongest terms; we deeply regret the loss of human lives including innocent civilians, women, children and the vulnerable.

Anwaarul Haq Kakar said that let us be clear the international law prohibits infliction of death and destruction on innocent civilians, this massacre must stop. “I also appeal to all the conscience of all the world leaders to play their due role in ensuring immediate ceasefire and rapid full scale and unhindered humanitarian assistance to Gaza”.

Anwaarul Haq Kakar said that he deeply commends the hectic diplomatic efforts undertaken by Saudi Arabia, Turkiye, Egypt, Jordan and other regional countries to bring the escalating situation under control. He said that the greatest onus is on the United Nations Security Council to rise above their differences and urgently perform their primary responsibility of maintaining peace and security. He said that the human lives can not be sacrificed at the alter of technicalities and expediencies, adding that we appreciate the efforts of the UN Secretary General António Guterres and his calls for restraint and urgent humanitarian action, adding that we also appeal to the international media to objectively cover the ongoing carnage in Gaza.

Anwaarul Haq Kakar said that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lies at the heart of the current crisis situation, configuration posses the risk of engulfing the entire region. He said that the UN independent human rights experts have last month issued the public warning about the imminent risk of genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people at the hands of the occupying power. He said that injustice and brutal suppression of the people are the seeds of the future wars, violence and conflict. He said that without the early realization of the two state solution, we will continue experiencing similar cycles of violence, which will only magnify in scale, adding that he has not doubt that the only permanent solution to the current situation lies in the creation of a secure, viable, contiguous and sovereign state of Palestine on the basis of the pre-June 1967 borders with Al-Quds Al-Sharif its capital. He said that we all must work towards that end with a sense of urgency.

Anwaarul Haq Kakar said that the people of Gaza urgently need reprieve, I join my brothers and sisters who spoke before me to emphasize the following:

Immediate and unconditional ceasefire, Israel must be forced to halt its aerial bombardment and ground invasion in compliance with the international humanitarian and human rights laws, immediate lifting of the blockade and rapid and unhindered humanitarian and relief supplies, Israel as an occupying power must be reminded of its responsibility to create conditions for urgent delivery of food, water, electricity and medical supplies to Gaza.

Anwaarul Haq Kakar said that we commend Egypt for facilitating delivery of relief through the Rafah Crossing, adding that Pakistan dispatched to flights carrying humanitarian supplies on 19th October and 7th November. He said that strict observance of the humanitarian law must be compel to ensure the safety of schools, hospitals, places of worship and refugee camps in accordance with its obligation as an occupying power under the humanitarian law. Caretaker PM Kakar said that we should explore the possibility of instituting proceeding at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) under the genocide convention and in the interim request provisional measures. He said that the UN Secretary General should be urged to establish a special commission of inquiry to investigate Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity since 7th October, we should also demand establishing an international mechanism for repressions for the Palestinians, adding that we call for the halt of all illegal settler activities by Israel, we call for a political solution, it is imperative that conditions are created for dialogue between Palestine and Israel to evolve a way forward through two state solution.

Anwaarul Haq Kakar said that we had yet to overcome the shock of covid-19 supply chain disruptions, climate change and war in Ukraine before we stumbled into this crisis. He said that at a time when the taming billion seek peace for the common prosperity, progress and development our world can not afford being pushed to the brink. “We pray to Almighty Allah to ease the sufferings of the Palestinian brothers and sisters”, he concluded.