Israel actions proved the erosion of democracy…Imran Jan

Israeli terrorism in Gaza has driven home further the idea that one of the key threats to the world is the erosion of democracy worldwide. The western society was always in support of the Israeli actions against the Palestinians. The US has always shown absolute support for Israel especially after 1967, fending off any UN resolutions against the state of Israel. But today, more than ever before, this support is resulting in the erosion of American democracy.

The western society has for decades supported Israel even when Israel has indulged in killing innocent civilians and built settlements in occupied lands, which is a violation of the Geneva Conventions. A massive propaganda campaign was ever present in order to convince the American minds that Israel was this victim state that must be protected from the barbaric Muslim states in its neighborhood. That along with the sheer Israeli lobbying efforts inside America never failed to convince the American minds. Even today, the older generation of Americans are clinging to the same mindset of Israel- the victim.

Something disturbing is happening this time around. Much of the younger population inside America is not so convinced of that idea as their older peers used to be. The media propaganda as well as the supremely strong lobbies inside America are not as successful in enlisting their support as they used to be with the parents of the same people. This generation rather supports the Palestinian cause. More than 80% voters of the Democratic Party want the Biden administration to call for a ceasefire. Over 500 officials from within governmental agencies have written a letter to the Biden administration, registering their disapproval about Bidens support for Israel. One of the chief concerns they shared in their communication was the vote bank. Biden dismissed them all.

He shows no concern for the voters or for the deaths of innocent children even when they are in incubators inside hospitals. Many people inside America have marched strongly in support of Gaza and against Israeli terrorism. They do not want America to give Israel weapons and money, which would both be employed in killing innocent children of Gaza.

Many Arab countries that would have otherwise shown not much spine have abandoned the idea of recognising Israel, an idea that was gaining momentum before this latest war. Iran, which was present at the Arab League meeting, has even demanded that the Israeli Defence Army be labeled a terrorism organisation.

Here is the disturbing pattern emerging: the American and European method of justifying support for Israel before used to be keeping its domestic audience convinced using propaganda. Today, the same offices of the western society do the same without keeping its citizenry onboard. Their calls and their aspirations are totally ignored. As pleasant yet ironic as it may sound, the Arab leadership, which is not democratic at all, is criticising Israel because it knows its own public wants that from them. The democratic world is ignoring the people whose votes it needs and the dictatorial regimes as well as the monarchies in the Arab world are concerned about the public opinion at home.

As a matter of fact, the US stands in total isolation when it comes to the support given to Israel on the UN platform, weapons supply, financial aid and moral support. Noam Chomsky in his wonderful book Hegemony Or Survival writes that for the US, the other superpower is not Russia or China but rather the global public opinion, which the US chooses to stand in sheer conflict with due to its foreign policy. The support for Israel is one stark example of exactly that phenomenon. The US not only ignores the aspirations of its own citizenry, but rather the idea of vox populi globally. Somehow, it manages to stand on the other side of democracy anywhere in the world. We, in Pakistan, certainly understand that reality as clearly as the Palestinians do.

Courtesy The Express Tribune