Interfaith fraternity stands with the people of Kashmir: Paster William Archer

WASHINGTON, Oct 28 (SABAH): Pastor William Archer of the Humanitarian and Theologian at Potomac Valley Church said that 77 years is a long time for a conflict like Kashmir to be resolved. Our Church along with other interfaith groups are taking active role in social justice causes and are striving to end racial and economic discrimination. These interfaith groups care for human rights and religious freedom here in the US and also in the world. I pledge to you that we will reach out to such interfaith groups and seek their support for the people of Kashmir.

Pastor Archer added when his interfaith group visited Azad Kashmir, they met with the wife of Yasin Malik and came to know that there were many political prisoners in Kashmir. I promised Mrs. Yasin Malik that we cannot let her husband down.

Ambassador Rizwan Saeed Sheikh, Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States said the day is commemorated annually on October 27 to mark the day in 1947 when India, without any legal justification, forcibly took control of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. The historical record is an asset for us, and it needs to be referenced and upheld. Our job is to keep the flame alive, not to yield under the weight of global politics or economics.

Ambassador Sheikh added that history is on our side. It’s only a matter of the right timing in international politics and economics, he said, citing UN Security Council resolutions that grant the right of self-determination to the Kashmiri people to decide their future through a UN-supervised plebiscite.

Ambassador Sheikh urged the international community and human rights organizations to play their role in not only highlighting the plight of Kashmiri people in Indian Occupied Kashmir but also in facilitating a solution to the long-standing issue.

Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Chairman, World Forum for Peace & Justice said as we all know that October 27th is observed all over the world as the day of occupation. It is also observed as a day of grief and day of sorrow, because it was on October 27 in 1947 that India sent its army to occupy our land. What a strange coincidence, Dr. Fai added that it was exactly the same time that the state of Israel was established in 1948. But it was agreed upon by the United Nations that there will be a separate homeland for the Palestinians. And it was also agreed upon by both India and Pakistan, negotiated by the UN and accepted by the Security Council that the people of Kashmir will be given right to self-determination. Today, we know that no referendum took place in Kashmir and no homeland for Palestinians was established.

Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai warned that today, the nation of Kashmir is facing an existential threat. More than 4.3 million Domicile Certificates have been issued within the past five years. You do not need to be an Einstein to know why India is doing it. India is doing it to change the demography of Kashmir and to change the Muslim majority character of Kashmir into minority.

Dr. Fai appealed to the world powers that for comprehensive and lasting peace in South Asia; and a politically secure and democratic future, the right to self-determination of the people of Jammu & Kashmir be recognized and respected. He added that there must be an early, just and durable resolution to the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the international agreements and the wishes and the aspirations of the people of the State.

Dr. Imtiaz Khan, Kashmiri-American scholar stated that abuses on innocent people of Indian occupied Kashmir continue unabated. After the revocation of article 370 and 35A more than 900,000 military and paramilitary occupation forces are holding the people as hostage.  The onus lies on the international community to convey to fascist Indian government that the human right violations against the people of occupied Kashmir should stop. International bodies like UN should remember that Kashmir can prove to be a nuclear flash point between India and Pakistan and if the dispute is left unresolved it can prove disastrous not only to the region but half of the world population. This is high time UN Secretary General ignores Indian protests and send its envoy to occupied Kashmir to assess the situation there.

Dr. Zahid Bukhari, former President of Islamic Circle of North America said that we are here to demonstrate our unwavering solidarity with Kashmiri people who are living in the largest open prison under the Indian military rule. He, however, cautioned that our focus must go beyond the observances of historical dates in Kashmir’s history. We must engage with American Congress, media, think-tanks and more importantly educate our children to use the social media for highlighting the situation in Kashmir. The main talking point should be that the Kashmir is more than a human right issue, it is a freedom struggle for 23 millions people of Kashmir. They are demanding their self-determination right according to the UN resolutions.

Dr. Oussama Jammal, the Secretary General of ‘United States Coalition of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) said that the people of Kashmir have been observing October 27 as the day of occupation because it was on this day in 1947 that India sent its army to occupy the land of Kashmir without the consent of its people and in defiance of international norms. So, the occupation of Kashmir happened 77 years ago when Indian troops invaded Kashmir under the auspices of a fraudulent Instrument of Accession.

Dr. Oussama Jammal added that the people of Kashmir are constantly reminded of the fact that it was in 1948 that the United Nations adopted resolutions that clearly states that the people of Kashmir have the right to determine their own future through a free and impartial vote. They ask the United Nations to follow through on its commitment given to the people of Kashmir.

Ilyas Masih, Director of All Neighbors International said that we must build in ourselves the quality of serving others, standing up for their rights if they are being oppressed and persecuted. So let us strive for the freedom of our brothers and sisters in humanity in Kashmir. Let us stand for Justice and Peace.