Innovations in AI: scope in justice sector of Pakistan….. Dr Shahid Hussain Kamboyo

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been transforming various sectors of society, and the justice sector in Pakistan is no exception. With the potential to revolutionise the way legal processes are carried out, AI is increasingly being integrated into the justice system, from police investigations to court trials. In recent years, Pakistan has seen significant advancements in AI technology, and the justice sector has begun to explore how it can use AI to improve efficiency, accuracy and fairness in legal proceedings.

AI technology can be used in case management systems, data analysis, surveillance, decision-making, sentencing, risk assessment and language translation to improve the efficiency, accuracy and fairness of legal proceedings in the justice sector of Pakistan. AI algorithms can be used to automatically classify and prioritise cases, assign judges and predict case outcomes based on previous judgments that can assist judges and legal professionals in making more informed decisions by analysing large amounts of data, detecting patterns and trends and predicting case outcomes. They can also analyse large amounts of legal documents and case files, identifying relevant information and patterns that may not be immediately apparent to human analysts that can also save time and increase accuracy by quickly searching through large volumes of legal documents and case files. AI-powered surveillance cameras can monitor criminal activities and identify suspects, while AI algorithms can assist judges and legal professionals in making more informed decisions based on data analysis and predictive modeling to determine appropriate sentences for convicted individuals and assess the likelihood of a person reoffending. AI-powered translation tools can facilitate communication between legal professionals and individuals who speak different languages and can ensure equal access to legal services for individuals who speak different languages.

Various countries are utilising AI to improve their legal systems as well as to transform the legal industry and enhance access to justice. For instance, AI algorithms are being used in the US to predict reoffending, while China has implemented an AI-powered judge for legal research and decision-making. In the UK, AI is being explored for resolving legal disputes online, and Canada uses AI to identify relevant information. Australia uses AI to analyse court decisions while Singapore is using it to help with legal research and document drafting. The UAE is implementing advanced technologies to streamline court procedures and enhance efficiency. Moreover, some research studies have investigated the impact of AI on case disposal in the justice sector and suggest a significant impact of AI on reducing case disposal times in the justice sector. For instance, Ashok and Rajan (2019) examined the use of AI-powered tools to predict case outcomes and suggest appropriate sentences in the Indian judiciary. The study found that this approach can significantly reduce the time taken to dispose of cases. Similarly, Gachoka (2019) investigated the use of AI in case disposal in Kenyan courts and found that AI algorithms can help identify relevant legal precedents and case law more quickly, leading to faster case disposal times. Another study by Huq and Couture (2017) examined the use of AI algorithms to allocate criminal cases in Pakistan. The authors found that using AI-powered tools to allocate cases based on workload and complexity can improve efficiency and reduce case disposal times.

One of the most pressing challenges is bias and fairness. AI algorithms can produce biased outcomes if they are trained on biased data, which can lead to discriminatory practices and unfair legal proceedings. Privacy and security are also concerns, particularly in relation to the use of AI in surveillance and data analysis. There is a risk that sensitive information may be accessed or misused by unauthorised individuals. Transparency and accountability are also important considerations, particularly in decision-making processes where individuals need to understand how decisions are made. Legal and ethical considerations are also important, particularly in relation to the use of AI in sentencing, where the transparency and accuracy of algorithms are critical to ensuring fair outcomes. Lastly, the challenge of access to technology and expertise may limit the successful implementation of AI in smaller or less developed regions in Pakistan. To improve the understanding of AI and its potential benefits, training and education to legal professionals will help them to effectively use AI-powered tools in their daily work and reduce the fear of job displacement. The first step is to develop ethical guidelines and standards that ensure the responsible and transparent use of AI in legal proceedings. This includes ensuring that the use of AI is transparent, explainable and accountable. Policies and regulations should be developed to ensure that AI applications are transparent and fair and respect individuals’ rights and freedoms. The government can also work to address the digital divide by increasing access to technology and internet connectivity in rural and remote areas. This will ensure that all individuals have equal access to AI-powered legal services and tools. Secondly, it is essential to ensure that AI algorithms used in legal proceedings are free from bias and fair to all individuals regardless of their background. This can be achieved by ensuring that AI algorithms are trained on unbiased data and that legal professionals are properly trained in the use of AI systems.

Collaboration between legal professionals, policymakers and technology experts is also crucial to ensure that AI applications are developed in a way that meets the specific needs of the justice sector in Pakistan. This will help promote the responsible use of AI and prevent potential negative. Interdisciplinary teams can work together to ensure that AI-powered tools are developed, deployed and used in ways that benefit everyone. Additionally, continued investment in research and development is essential to further enhance the capabilities of AI in the justice sector. This will help identify new opportunities for innovation and address the challenges that emerge as AI technology continues to evolve. Pakistan can successfully leverage the potential of AI in the justice sector, resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy and fairness of legal proceedings. Lastly, continuous monitoring and evaluation of AI applications in the justice sector should be carried out to assess their impact on efficiency, accuracy and fairness. This will help identify areas for improvement and ensure that AI applications are meeting their intended objectives.

Courtesy  The Express Tribune, April 5th, 2023.