Indian using killing of pandits as a tool to malign Hurriyat: Altaf Wani

ISLAMABAD, Oct 18 (SABAH): While denouncing attack on Hurriyat Office in Srinagar by Hindutva goons backed by Indian army, senior All Parties Hurriyat Conference leader Altaf Hussain Wani has said that India’s apartheid regime has been using killing of pandits as a tool to malign Hurriyat and dent its credibility at international level.

In a statement issued here on Tuesday, Altaf Hussain Wani said that Modi government has a worst track record of using members of minority communities as cannon fodders to exact political and strategic goals. Referring to Chattisinghpora, Nadimarg and Wandhama massacres, Wani said that these massacres were the shocking examples of state terrorism that speak volumes about how the Indian army and its security agencies used members of minority communities as cannon fodders to achieve their strategic goals.

“Recent attack on Hurriyat head office in Srinagar under the guise of Kashmiri pandit killing in Shopian is part of this policy”, he said, adding that India must bear in mind the fact that such mean tactics won’t help it in its nefarious designs aimed at misleading the global community on Kashmir”.

“India’s new conspiracy theory that puts blame of the killing of Pandits on Hurriyat is one of the most bizarre pieces of misinformation aimed at maligning the forum that represents the political aspirations of the Kashmiri people”, Wani said.

He said that the BJP was using a section of the Kashmiri Pandit community as pawns on its chessboard of power and politics.

“The targeted killing of Pandits is in fact a handiwork of the Indian secret agencies who never shied away in killing their own people or blowing into pieces bodies of their own soldiers”.

Wani cautioned the miscreants who attached Hurriyat office, to refrain from such shameless action.

Kashmir, he said, is an internationally recognised dispute that needs to be settled in line with the UNSC resolutions that call for holding a referendum in Kashmir.

Meanwhile Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, Chairman Jammu and Kashmir People’s Freedom League and ex-Convener All Parties Hurriyat Conference AJK, has in a strongly worded statement denounced a naked attack on the APHC headquarters by the Hindutva goons backed by their own military and paratroopers in Srinagar yesterday.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, Farooq Rehmani said that India by calling herself a big democracy was hurling cruel jokes on every freedom and its own Constitution in the illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and after having failed to cowdown the freedom movement was taking every step out of frustration. He urged upon the world body and the international HR organisations to condemn India and it answerable for its inflammatory and tyrannical measures in the Occupied region against the inhabitants especially the Muslim youth .