Indian police threaten to initiate a legal action against BBC for exposing Modi regime’s crackdown

SRINAGAR, Sep 3 (SABAH): Indian police have threatened to initiate a legal action against the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) for exposing the Modi regime’s crackdown on journalists in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

According to media reports, BBC has published an article titled ‘Any story could be your last’ which spoke of intimidation journalists face in IIOJK.

It said Kashmiri journalists are witnessing a systemic intimidation and harassment by the Indian authorities in IIOJK. Victimization of the Kashmiri journalists has increased manifold since 5th August 2019 when the Modi regime repealed Kashmir’s special status and imposed military siege in the territory, it deplored.

The report said press freedom is under serious threat from occupation authorities in IIOJK as raids, summons, harassment, arrests and physical abuse of journalists is a daily routine in the occupied territory. The Modi regime is forcing Kashmiri journalists into silence by resorting to strong arm tactics against them, it added.

The report said all stakeholders of freedom of press must raise their voice against onslaught on journalists in IIOJK as intimidation, harassment and assaults are meant to prevent them from carrying out their responsibilities in the territory. It lamented that India was muzzling free press in Kashmir to hide ground realities from the world, adding assault on journalists in IIOJK is a wakeup call for global media organizations.

The Modi regime cannot hide its crimes by stifling media in IIOJK and the Kashmiri journalists would leave no stone unturned for their democratic and constitutional rights.