Indian cluster shells still threaten civilian population in AJK: Ali Raza Syed

BRUSSELS, Oct 22 (SABAH): Chairman Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) Ali Raza Syed has stated that cluster shells fired by the Indian forces in the recent years on the remote areas of Azad Kashmir (AJK) along the line of control (LoC) are still dangerous for the civilian population of these areas.

Chair of KC-EU, Ali Raza Syed who accompanying a foreign delegation visited the affected areas of LoC recently, issued a statement in this context on Saturday. He said, Indian forces deployed on LoC use the cluster bombs to target the civilian population in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) across the Line of Control (LoC) in violation of the Geneva Convention and other international laws. It is important to mention that previously Pakistan has also officially accused India of using cluster ammunition against the civilian population in Azad Kashmir.

Ali Raza Syed said, the foreign delegation visited the victim families in AJK specially masses living along with line of control and refugees settled in various areas of the territory. He said, recently two Kashmiri children who were visiting their relatives near LoC found cluster shells and took them as toys to their home. Later, both the children died when the shells exploded.

It is to recall that in July 2019, above 30 innocent citizens including women and children were targeted in Neelum Valley of AJK through the Indian artillery using cluster ammunition. That attack had left two civilians, including a 4-year-old boy, dead and 11 others were critically injured.

Chair of KC-EU said, such attacks are violation of international humanitarian law because that the use of cluster ammunition is prohibited under the Geneva’s Convention on Cluster Ammunition due to its severe impact on non-combatants.

He said, cluster munitions kill and injure large numbers of civilians and cause long-lasting socio-economic problems. The 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions prohibits the use, production, stockpiling and transfer of cluster munitions.

Ali Raza Syed said, Indian forces are not only involved in human rights abuses in the occupied Kashmir but they are also violating the international laws by attacking on the civilians in Azad Kashmir. He added, Kashmir Council Europe will continue its struggle in order make awareness among the masses in the west including Europe about cross border Indian attacks through using cluster bombs on civilians in Azad Kashmir and the violations of human rights in Indian occupied Kashmir committed by Indian authorities.

Chair of KC-EU said, we did not forget innocent people of occupied Kashmir and as well as civilian victims of Indian shelling in AJK’s areas along with line of control. He urged the international community to take serious notice of violations of human rights in occupied Kashmir and usage of cluster bombs by the Indian forces on the civilian population of Azad Kashmir. The international community should stop India from such inhuman acts again the people of Jammu and Kashmir.