India soon to be disintegrated, predicts Mushaal Says fascist Modi risks regional peace due to his Hindutva-driven policies

ISLAMABAD: Instead of holding unlawful occupation of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) anymore, Chairperson of Peace and Culture Organization, Mushaal Hussein Mullick predicted that India would soon be dismantled and disintegrated due to notorious Narendra Modi-led government’s Hindutva-driven policies that created unbridgeable fissure within the various communities living in India.
Mushaal, wife of senior hurriyat leader jailed Yasin Malik, in a statement on Tuesday said that fascist Indian government’s belligerent policies put the regional and international peace and security at risk.
She said that people of scenic valley continued facing deepening discrimination and injustice at the hands of New Delhi-led apartheid regime led by notorious Modi, who made life a hell for Kashmiris for their crime to resist the Indian unlawful subjugation.
The Chairperson stated that Indian fascist government was using all brutal tactics to crush the ongoing freedom struggle in the IIOJK. However, she vowed that Indian could defeat Kashmiris’ spirit for freedom come what may.
She said that Modi must remember that bullets and guns have never been able to suppress people’s aspirations, as justice had been eluding the Kashmiris who were witnessing oppression and bloodshed on a daily basis for over seven decades.
Mushaal went on to say that India was treading on the path of Nazi Germany instead of paving the way for peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute as per UN resolutions.
She said that gravity of the situation could be judged that over 18,745 Kashmiris were detained and over 2,330 tortured since article 370 revocation in IIOJK, adding that Modi regime was using every kind of oppression to subdue Kashmiris’ freedom struggle but these tactics would not work.
Mushaal stated that the occupation regime created an atmosphere of fear and terror to advance its colonization agenda of the occupied Kashmir, as the Hurriyat offices, attaching lands and properties of its leaders and activists were being sealed to bring the people of the occupied territory, as India was trampling all the principles of humanity in occupied valley.
She said that eviction and demolition drive was meant to change the Kashmir’s history, demography, culture and religion; however, she vowed that brave people of Kashmir would foil all such attempts.
The Chairperson urged the world community, UN bodies and human right organizations to force Indian fascist government to resolve Kashmir dispute as per the UN agreed formula and aspirations of the people of the valley.