India should allow her, Raziyah Sultana to meet Mohammad Yasin Malik: Mushaal Mullick

ISLAMABAD, May 25 ((SABAH): Mushaal Hussein Mullick, wife of unlawfully incarcerated Kashmiri Hurriyat leader Mohammad Yasin Malik demanded Indian government to allow her along with their 12-year-old daughter Raziyah Sultana a safe entry to India to meet Yasin in Tihar Jail as per rights of prisoners under Geneva Conventions.

In a statement issued on Saturday, Mushaal Mullick, former special assistance to PM on human rights and women empowerment, said that they should be allowed to visit India to see Yasin Malik, who was imprisoned in notorious tihar jail in false, fabricated and politically motivated cases.

She stated that the family has not seen each other and been forcibly divided for almost 10 years, as senior Hurriyat leader was kept in death cell for his crime for raising voice for the long-denied fundamental and legal rights to people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Mushaal Mullick urged United Nations, World powers, human rights organisation and the government of Pakistan to look into the grave human rights violations and put pressure on India to guarantee a safe and secure meeting with her husband in Tihar Jail. She pointed out that Indian Kangaroo courts have unilaterally given life imprisonment to Yasin Malik in fraudulent and bogus cases to suppress the legitimate and most powerful voice of Kashmir’s right to self determination.

The Hurriyat leader feared that now the fascist Indian government was seeking his death penalty in fictitious cases to silence the vociferous voice of Kashmiri’s freedom movement to break the shackles of Indian subjugation. She lamented that he had been charged life imprisonment two years ago without a fair trial, physical presence, counsel and following due legal access.

Mushaal Mullick urged that the UN and international community should build pressure on Indian to ensure her husband earliest release from unlawful detention.