India must end its gross & systematic violations of human rights in IIOJK: FO Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch

ISLAMABAD, Nov 24, (SABAH): Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch has said that India must end its gross and systematic violations of human rights in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), revoke its illegal and unilateral actions of 5th August 2019, and free all political prisoners including the true Kashmiri leaders.

This was stated by Mumtaz Zahra Baloch during a weekly press briefing on Thursday. FO spokesperson said that let me begin with the COP27 held in Sharm-El-Sheikh (Egypt). This year’s Conference of Parties to UNFCC marked the 30th anniversary of the Convention. We are encouraged with the debate at the Conference and its outcomes.

“We are particularly gratified with the decision to establish a fund to address “loss and damage” caused by climate-induced disasters to effectively address the urgent needs of developing countries. We see the consensus at COP27 as a momentous achievement, especially for the Group of 77 and China” she said.

She said that the developing countries have been demanding such a fund for the past 30 years. In the history of Climate Change negotiations, for the first time the principle for financing for loss and damage has been secured. So, in that context, this is historic.

The dedicated “Fund for Loss and Damage” will address losses and damages in developing countries, such as Pakistan, which are particularly vulnerable to the adverse impact of Climate Change. We look forward to early operationalization of the Fund and hope it would fill a major gap in climate finance infrastructure.

When the G77 and China met in New York in September under the chairmanship of Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, it was agreed that developing countries will make this a priority for COP 27 agenda. In the process leading up to COP27, Pakistan galvanized support for establishment of the Fund and negotiated on behalf of the developing countries at Sharm-El-Sheikh.

“We congratulate the developing countries for their exemplary solidarity and steadfastness in pushing the case for a Fund for Loss and Damage. We also appreciate the understanding and cooperation of the developed countries in recognizing the urgency to act on loss and damage” FO spokesperson said.

Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said that she was pleased to share with media that at the invitation of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif will pay a two-day official visit to Türkiye, from today (Friday).

She said that alongside President Erdogan, the Prime Minister will jointly inaugurate the third of the four MILGEM Corvette Ships for the Pakistan Navy, PNS Khaibar, at the Istanbul Shipyard. The two leaders will also hold wide-ranging discussions encompassing bilateral relations, the regional situation and other issues of common interest.

FO spokesperson said that the Prime Minister will interact with leaders of the Turkish business community. The President of the ECO Trade and Development Bank (ETDB) will also call on the Prime Minister during his stay in Istanbul.

She said that Pakistan and Türkiye enjoy fraternal ties deeply embedded in commonalities of faith, culture and history and underpinned by exceptional cordiality and mutual trust. The MILGEM project, based on joint collaboration between the two countries, represents a significant milestone in the Pakistan- Türkiye strategic partnership that continues to progress on an upward trajectory.

She said that the launching ceremony for the first Corvette for the Pakistan Navy, PNS Babur, was performed in Istanbul in August 2021while the groundbreaking for the Second Ship, PNS Badr, was held at Karachi in May 2022.

She said that frequent leadership level exchanges are a defining feature of the eternal bonds of Pakistan – Türkiye friendship. The Prime Minister earlier visited Türkiye in May -June 2022.

Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said that an important development this week has been the establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and the Dominican Republic. A formal Joint Communiqué was signed to this effect on 18th November 2022 in New York by the Permanent Representatives of Pakistan and the Dominican Republic. We believe that the establishment of diplomatic relations will open new avenues of cooperation between the two countries in diverse fields and areas of mutual interest.

She said that the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Dominican Republic is part of our efforts to expand diplomatic engagement around the world. Last year, Pakistan established formal diplomatic relations with the Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) of Kiribati and Palau. Since March last year, Pakistan has opened five new Missions in Africa as part of our Engage Africa policy initiative. Pakistan intends to continue to increase its diplomatic engagement in all continents.

She said that Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar participated in the Ministerial Meeting of the 9th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), held in Morocco from 22-23 November 2022.

She said that the Global Forum is the highest profile event of the UN Alliance of Civilizations which was created in 2005 to advance mutual respect for all cultures, traditions and religious beliefs. On the sidelines of this year’s event, the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs met with the Deputy Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan Kairat Omarov, Deputy Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, Waleed ElKhereiji and Portugese Foreign Minister João Cravinho.

Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said that at the Forum, the Minister of State articulated Pakistan’s perspective and concerns about the growing problem of religious intolerance, discrimination, Islamophobia and violence worldwide. She highlighted the importance of continued and robust inter-civilizational and inter-faith dialogue as a catalyst to promote peaceful co-existence, mutual understanding, and harmony.

She said that during the last week Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif conveyed his warm felicitations to Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, President of Kazakhstan on his re-election as President in the elections held on 20th November 2022. Pakistan will continue to maintain its close relationship with Kazakhstan.

She said that Prime Minister has also extended our heartiest felicitations to Anwar Bin Ibrahim, on his appointment as the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia after the recent general elections. Pakistan attaches great importance to its fraternal ties with Malaysia and welcomes the peaceful election and transition process that reflects the strength of Malaysia as a strong democracy.

She said that Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif and Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari have expressed condolences at the tragic news of the earthquake and resultant loss of precious lives in Indonesia. We express deepest sympathies to the families of the deceased and pray for the speedy recovery of those injured. Pakistan stands in solidarity with the brotherly people and the government of Indonesia in this moment of national tragedy.

Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said that the media is aware, Pakistan follows a policy of dialogue and friendship with countries in Asia & Pacific. An important pillar of this policy is participation in and engagement with regional organizations and forums.

She said that a delegation from Pakistan is participating in the 43rd ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA-43) from 20-25 November 2022 in Cambodia. The Pakistan delegation is led by Member National Assembly, Mr. Salahuddin. AIPA-43 is being held under the theme “Advancing Together for Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient ASEAN”.

She said that Pakistan was granted observer status of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly last year. Our participation in AIPA-43, therefore, carries special significance. In addition to participating in AIPA-43 Plenary in its capacity as an Observer, Pakistan also attended the dialogue of AIPA with Observer Parliaments.

She said that Pakistan’s observership of AIPA and its participation in AIPA-43 reflects the importance that Pakistan accords to its relationship with ASEAN and its keen desire to enhance its engagement with members of ASEAN.

She said that Pakistan also participated in another regional forum – the Third China-South Asia Cooperation Forum (CSACF) held in hybrid format on the sidelines of the 6th China-South Asia Expo. Participants included Foreign Ministers and Senior Officials of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

She said that Pakistan strongly rejected India’s unwarranted remarks made against Pakistan at the Security Council briefing on Wednesday. She said that unfortunately, India continues to abuse its non-permanent membership of United Nations Security Council and the Chair of the 1373 Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) to target Pakistan through false narratives and malicious propaganda.

Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said that India’s irresponsible behavior at the Security Council during its non-permanent membership confirms that it does not have the competence or the wisdom to qualify as a permanent member of the Security Council.

“We have not seen any improvement in the situation in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) as it remains under military siege and Indian oppression there continues unabated. Carrying on with their spree of extra judicial killings, last week the Indian occupation forces killed two Kashmiri youth in fake encounters in Islamabad and Shopian districts of IIOJK. Indian occupation forces are also engaged in killing innocent youth while in their custody. These developments are of serious concern for Pakistan” she said.

Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said that we are also deeply concerned about the welfare of Kashmiri political prisoners including APHC leaders and Human rights defenders. It is important that their rights are protected and they are immediately released.

She said that the media may have also noted that 12 international human rights organizations including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have jointly raised their voice for immediate and unconditional release of human rights defender Khurram Parvez who is currently incarcerated in the infamous Tihar jail.