India has a history of using death penalties as a political weapon against Kashmiris: Nayeem Ahmed Khan

SRINAGAR, Feb 09 (SABAH): Senior All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) leader Nayeem Ahmed Khan while paying tributes to renowned liberation leader Shaheed Muhammad Maqbool Bhat and Muhammad Afzal Guru on their martyrdom anniversaries has said that India has a notorious track record of using death penalties as a weapon against Kashmiris.

In a message from Tihar Jail, the incarcerated APHC leader while terming the hanging of the renowned liberation leader as murder of justice Khan said that India has a history of using death penalties as a political weapon against Kashmiris who have refused to follow it’s dictates. 

“Over the past 75  years Kashmiris as a nation have been facing the wrath of prejudice and political vengeance at the hands of occupation authorities”, the APHC leader said adding that the shameful execution of Bhat and Guru was a big blot on the face of India’s falling justice system.

“We are proud of this great son of the soil who preferred to kiss the gallows rather than compromising his ideals”, Nayeem Ahmed Khan said.

Referring to the martyred leader’s proud legacy Nayeem Ahmed Khan said, “Maqbool Bhat is a personality whose legacy is such that even after decades of his martyrdom his teachings continue to inspire the people of Jammu and Kashmir”.

Highlighting the martyred leader’s supreme sacrifices and indomitable role said that the entire Kashmiri nation was proud of Shaheed Maqbool Bhat who raised the banner of revolt against Indian illegal occupation and ultimately laid down his life for the noble cause of freedom.

Remembering the sacrifices of Shaheed Afzal Guru, he said, that Guru’s hanging was a clear case of judicial murder. The verdict against Guru, he said, left India’s judiciary exposed at international level.

He said that it was unfortunate that India had brazenly refused to hander over their families the mortal remains of the martyred leaders who remain buried in the premises of Tihar jail.

Referring to Kashmiris’ commitment to the cause Nayeem Khan reiterated Kashmiris’ pledge to uphold the mission of martyrs despite all odds.

It is worth to mention here that India hanged Muhammad Maqbool Bhat to death on 11th February in 1984 in the New Delhi’s Tihar jail for his role in the Kashmir freedom movement. Whereas, Muhammad Afzal Guru who was falsely implicated in the Indian parliament attack case was awarded death penalty and later hanged to death in the same Jail on 9th February 2013.  The mortal remains of both the martyred leaders remain buried in the premises of the jail.