India becomes world’s most dangerous place for minorities: Mushaal Mullick

ISLAMABAD, March 20 (SABAH): Former Special Assistant to Prime Minister for Human Rights and Women Empowerment Mushaal Hussein Mullick lambasted the kangaroo courts for its failure to bring the criminals involved in the Chattisinghpora massacre despite lapse of 24 years, saying that instead the compromised judicial system of India providing legal cover and license to such hired guns to slaughter minorities without any fear of accountability.

Mushaal Mullick, who is a wife of unlawfully jailed senior Hurriyat leader Muhammad Yasin Malik, said that the Chattisinghpora massacre further testified that India became the worst and most dangerous place for minority community to live there.

Thirty-five members of the Sikh community were ruthlessly killed by Indian troops disguised as militants in the Chattisinghpora area of Islamabad district of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) on March 20, 2000, on the eve of the then US President, Bill Clinton’s visit to India. She stated that supremacist Hindutva regime orchestrated Chattisinghpora massacre to tarnish the image of Kashmiris’ freedom struggle by sowing the seed of religious discard among Kashmiris; however, the brave Kashmiri people thwarted the sinister Indian plot, as the subsequent investigations into the heinous mass murder had revealed that the Indian military had orchestrated the killings and all the slain individuals were innocent civilians.

Mushaal Mullick lamented that the world powers’ duplicity and human rights organisations’ silence emboldened the supremacist Indian government to ruthlessly kill Muslims and members of other minority community without any fear of accountability. She made it clear that the Indian brutal forces could not dampen the courage of the Kashmiri freedom fighters through reign of terror and they would continue their just struggle until break the shackles of Indian slavery once and for all.

The Hurriyat leader urged international community and UN bodies to take notice of the rising Indian war crimes in the scenic valley and press the notorious Narendra Modi-led government to provide justice to the victims of Chattisinghpora massacre and resolve Kashmir dispute as per the wishes and aspirations of the people of the occupied valley.