Incumbent govt, had not only continued policies of PTI regime, it further burdened masses with massive inflation: Sirajul Haq

LAHORE, June 02 (SABAH): Jamaat-e-Islami would launch a countrywide protest movement from Lahore on June 11 if the government had not taken measures to eliminate Riba and control inflation in the national budget scheduled to be presented in the national assembly on June 10, announced JI Emir Sirajul Haq at press a conference in Mansoorah on Thursday.

The incumbent government, Sirajul Haq added, had not only continued the policies of the PTI regime, it further burdened the masses with massive inflation. Sirajul Haq made it clear that the poor people of Pakistan were no longer ready to become sacrificial goats on the dictation of the global lenders, asserting the time had come the ruling elite itself made some sacrifices.

Around Rs42 billions per year were spent on protocol and VIPs life-style of the rulers, billions were used on other non-developmental expenses, he said, asking the rulers to take austerity measures, end luxurious lifestyle to prove they were the representatives of the people who were even deprived of the basic facilities.

The JI chief said people in Cholistan had no access to even drinking water, hours long load-shedding continued throughout the country and amid the situation the government increased the petrol prices by Rs30 per liter and cooking oil rate by Rs250 per kg. He questioned the government’s claims made before bringing no-trust movement against the PTI. The JI, he said, had already made it clear to the people that the ruling parties (the PML-N, the PPP and the PTI) were protectors of the status quo, having no interest in the welfare of the common man. The politicians’ agenda, he said, was obvious as they only wanted to accumulate money and make properties for their generations and keep the masses to their service, he said, adding the rulers wanted to escape accountability to their deeds and pursuing their desire they clipped the wings of the NAB.

Sirajul Haq congratulated JI Balochistan leader Maulana Hydatur Rahman’s “Gwadar’s Rights Movement” on victory in provincial local bodies elections. He said the Gwadar movement left a lesson to the people of entire Pakistan. The success was certain if the poor stood united and raise voice for their rights, he added.

He declared the visit of Pakistanis to Israel as against the constitution of Pakistan and betrayal to the blood of the people of Palestine. He warned the government against taking steps and making ground for recognition of Israel, saying the people of Pakistan would never accept any such plot.