Imran Khan’s Bani Gala residence should be raided to recover the ‘missing’ copy of a diplomatic cypher: Maryam Nawaz

LAHORE, Oct 01 (SABAH): Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Vice President Maryam Nawaz Sharif on Saturday said that former prime minister Imran Khan’s Bani Gala residence should be raided to recover the “missing” copy of a diplomatic cypher that carries the details of the purported “foreign conspiracy” against his now fallen government.

Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Vice President Maryam Nawaz Sharif along with Minister for Finance and Revenue Senator Mohammad Ishaq Da, Minister for Interior Affairs Rana Sanuallah Khan, Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Ahsan Iqbal Chaudhry, Minister for Law and Justice Senator Chaudhry Azam Nazir Tarar Advocate, Minister for Information and Broadcasting Marriyum Aurangzeb and former information and broadcasting minister Parvez Rashid addressed a press conference on Saturday.

The cypher, based on then-envoy Dr. Asad Majeed Khan’s meeting with State Department official Donald Lu, has been at the centre of PTI’s claim that the US conspired with elements within Pakistan to dislodge Imran from the top office.

Friday’s federal cabinet meeting was informed that the copy of the diplomatic cypher was “missing” from Prime Minister House records. A handout issued after a meeting of the cabinet declared that the “theft” of diplomatic cypher records is an “unforgivable crime” and a violation of the Official Secrets Act, 1923.

After detailed deliberations, the cabinet had formed a special committee which would determine the legal action to be taken against all those involved, including the ex-premier, ex-principal secretary to prime minister and senior ministers.

The cabinet was told that the act was an “unpardonable crime” against the state which was tantamount to prioritising political interests over key state interests. The meeting participants were informed that the record of the receipt of the cypher was available with the relevant department, but the diplomatic cable was missing.

Addressing the matter in a press conference in Lahore on Saturday, Maryam Nawaz said: “You heard that the cypher went missing from Prime Minister House. I think there should be a raid on Bani Gala from where you will know where the cypher copy went and what the real minutes, letter and communique were.”

Maryam said Imran Khan had the “letter” to wave it in rallies but “does not have it to show it to the people”. “You played with the country while playing your games,” she added.

She said that Imran Khan hatched conspiracies in the PM House and tempered sensitive documents. The PML-N vice president said that she was angry with her party’s government for not arresting the traitor, adding that the man who is spreading fitna is still at large.

Maryam Nawaz went on to say that Imran Khan got away with the original of the cipher besides tampering with the sensitive document and suggested Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah raid Bani Gala to find out the ‘real’ cipher.

The PTI chairman hatched conspiracy against the sovereignty and national security of Pakistan, and its diplomatic relations, and now, no country is communicating with Pakistan as it fears the contents of it would be leaked, she added.

Maryam, in the beginning of her address, expressed her happiness that people got a huge relief, alluding to the petrol price cut announced by Dar a day earlier. “I do not want to say his [Imran Khan’s] name, but I am forced to, so that truth comes before the nation,” she said, calling him a “protagonist” as well as the “mastermind of this conspiracy against Pakistan”.

The PML-N vice president said that the more one listen to Khan’s leaked audio, the more they know what a “heinous game” the PTI chief played against Pakistan.

Regarding the previous audio leaks of the incumbent government, Maryam said that no matter how many audios of PML-N leaders are leaked none of the leaders will be heard speaking against the country.

“PML-N will never compromise on the security of Pakistan,” she asserted.

Recalling Imran Khan’s ouster, Maryam said that when the PTI chief realised that his party members were turning against him and he was about to lose his power, Khan started spreading his “foreign conspiracy” narrative.

“Since day one I knew that he [Khan] was lying as he is the biggest liar of this century,” she said, adding that this wasn’t just conspiracy but this was also “tampering”.

Accusing the former prime minister of forging the sensitive documents of Pakistan, she said that Khan conspired against the foreign policy of Pakistan.

“PM Shehbaz told me that no country is ready to write a letter to Pakistan because of this fitna Khan [Imran Khan],” Maryam said, adding that other countries are afraid of communicating with Pakistan.

The PML-N vice president further added that the audio leaks are enough to indict Khan for his wrongdoings.

“You can look at the Supreme Court’s verdict, Khan even violated the order of the apex court while leaving his office,” she mentioned, adding that the highest court of the country has given its ruling against the former premier.

“The nation has been held hostage by this evil mind since last four years,” she asserted.

The PML-N vice president said that Khan played with the country, and targeted the martyrs of the Pakistan Army under the guise of a cypher, which was not even real.

“You conspired against the martyrs, destroyed the country for your own interests and spoiled diplomatic relations,” she said while taking a jibe at the former prime minister. “He will be somebody’s ladla, but he is not our [coalition government’s] ladla,” she said, accusing him of creating a rift in the important institution of Pakistan.

Maryam went on to say that she was surprised at herself and the system of this country, assuring the public that the coalition government will show his true face to the people.

Meanwhile on the occasion, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar alleged that former principal secretary to former prime minister Imran Khan, Muhammad Azam Khan has admitted to have handed over the cypher copy to Imran Khan.

Accusing the PTI for the missing cypher, Dar said: “The cypher is missing from the archives and the audio leaks have laid bare their plan.” The finance minister blamed the previous PTI government for economically devastating the country, saying that they [PTI] have brought the economy where all the macroeconomic indicators are blinking red.

“Imran Khan pauperised the country and brought to the brink of default,” he said, claiming that his ultimate agenda was the “total annihilation” of the country. The finance minister said that the Official Secret Act was violated.

“Khan is solely responsible for this whole travesty,” he maintained, adding that if we do not take action to bring this matter to its logical conclusion, then it would be another breach of the Constitution.

He further revealed that the cabinet has inspected all aspects in this regard in detail. “The minutes that were created regarding the diplomatic cypher are present; however, the original document is missing,” Dar added.

“This proves that conspiracy was not hatched by the incumbent coalition government instead the PTI was behind this,” he said, adding that a meeting of the National Security Committee has also been held in this regard.

Playing the purported audio leak of the former prime minister, Dar said: “We will betray our constitution if we do not take it to its logical end.

“The mess created in four years could not be cleaned in four-five months; however, our efforts will be to stop the destruction and Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s team is working to provide relief to the masses.”

Ishaq Dar lamented that all the macroeconomic indicators of Pakistan showed desperate performance and country ranked as below to 50th economy worldwide in 2034.

He further pledged to steer the country out of the mammoth challenges as Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif is making his best efforts to tackle the challenges in an effective manner.

He said that due to the prudent steps taken by the coalition government, appreciation of rupee is being witnessed against dollar. Resultantly, a significant reduction of country’s loan has been observed. Ishaq Dar expressed the resolve to provide maximum relief to the general public in coming weeks.

Replying a question, Maryam Nawaz said that Imran Khan tried to become victim on the basis of cypher, adding that Imran Khan is not the prime minister who was ousted on the basis of a fake iqama. She said that Imran Khan’s performance was so poor that his members had left him when he was the prime minister, adding that the satanic mind of Imran Khan prepared the conspiracy of cypher. Replying a question, Maryam Nawaz said that the actions of Punjab government against Abdul Aleem Khan are short lived and they will have to face all these things.

Replying another question, Maryam Nawaz said that her son-in-law had imported machinery for power plant during the tenure of Imran Khan as prime minister.

Maryam Nawaz said that she will support the public welfare project wholeheartedly whether it is started by her opponents, adding that she had asked Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif to own and not close the health card project as it was started by Nawaz Sharif. She said that Maryam Nawaz will never stand against the public welfare project irrespective of facing political loss.

She said that Ishaq Dar has come back and Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif will also come back very soon and will look after his party and country also. Maryam Nawaz said that when the time will come we will do what Pakistan’s constitution and law says regarding appointment of new army chief. 

Replying a question, Ishaq Dar said that the trend has been changed and during the last five days the rupee value has not been depreciated even for a single day against dollar. He said that the debts of Rs 1,300 to 1,400 billion have been decreased in result of gaining strength by rupee, adding that the depreciation of rupee is mother of all evils particularly for economy. He said that the main cause of inflation is that we import everything and it has direct effect. Ishaq Dar said that he could say with full responsibility that the depreciation of rupee value is artificial, adding that the speculators and those who for their millions or billions of rupee throw the country into thousands of billions loss, adding that these people have started action voluntarily. He said that this is not the real value of rupee, it is under value, excess has been done with it and play has been played with it and we will not spare them.

Replying a question, Ishaq Dar said that the PTI leaders who stood for the constitution and quitted party were awarded PML-N tickets in bye-elections in Punjab, adding that the people were used to say us that if tickets are awarded to suitable candidates then PML-N could win more seats but Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif made decision that we will not leave these people. He said that PTI is mastermind in political victimization.

He said that cypher is the most secret document about another country and you can not play with it adding that it is sent to two or three people by Foreign Office. He said that during the government of Imran Khan, this cypher was discussed in the National Security Committee meeting and it was established that there was no conspiracy. He said that Nawaz Sharif will come back in Pakistan very soon.