Imran Khan & his contingent of ministers, spokespersons, advisers together have destroyed the country: Liaqat Baloch

LAHORE, Feb 12 (SABAH): Deputy Chief of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan and President Standing Committee on National, Political Affairs Liaqat Baloch welcomed the release of Jamaat-e-Islami leader Ali Waqas Hinjra from Vehari District Jail in Vehari after two years.

Liaqat Baloch addressed the annual Majlis-e Eisaal-e Sawab of political, social and agricultural leader Malik Sajjad Hussain’s parents. Meanwhile addressing Khatam-e Bukhari function at Jamia Islamia Jadeedah, he said that Masajid, Madaris, arches and minarets are the source of Islamic unity. Unity of the Ummah, harmony among all sects is the most important need of the hour. Uniting Muslim Ummah on religious commonalities is Jihad-e Akber of the time. Islamic civilization is the real protector and power of the new generation to compete with Secularism, the Western liberalism. The daughter of Islam in India has given a great message of the future to the youth by showing courage and faith for hijab and glory of Allah. Unluckily, religious leadership, religious parties are not united on political and electoral issues but a joint strategy should be formulated on national Islamic priorities for the protection of religious values ​​and civilization.

Meanwhile talking to reporters Liaqat Baloch said that all plans of Prime Minister Imran Khan are being reversed. Bhan Mati’s family is at loggerheads with each other. Imran Khan and his contingent of ministers, spokespersons, advisers together have destroyed the country. The whole gang is responsible for the failure on the economic, social and accountability fronts. Instead of awarding medals /certificates of performance for the incompetent ministers, they should be removed from their responsibilities. Bribery, corruption, plunder of national resources are the biggest threats and diseases for the national economy. Jamaat-e-Islami has launched a nationwide protest. Protests will be staged at all district headquarters on national, economic and public issues. Public protests in Gwadar and Karachi will continue across the country.

Liaqat Baloch said that like the present government, the former ruling opposition parties are also responsible for the uncertainty and instability in the country. PPP, Muslim League, PTI’s style of governing is the same, the level of abuse is different. They have nothing to do with politics, democracy, electoral reforms, the abolition of the status quo and the liberation of the political democratic process from the jaws of the establishment. Jamaat-e-Islami will unite patriotic, religious, competent and honest personalities across the country for the rule of Islam and the Constitution. Jamaat-e-Islami will get the country out of crises. An Islamic and prosperous Pakistan can be the backbone of oppressed Kashmiris and brave victorious Afghans.