Imran Khan did not appear before court because he is a thief, foreign agent, father of Tyrian, he has stolen watches: Marriyum Aurangzeb

LAHORE, Mar 19 (SABAH): Minister for Information and Broadcasting Marriyum Aurangzeb has said that Imran Khan did not appear before the court because he is a thief, foreign agent, father of Tyrian, he has stolen watches and exceeded his powers. She said that if anyone thinks that the rule of law could be established in the country while giving protection and leniency to the blue eyed it would be your misunderstanding. She said that the anonymous silence of justice, law and judiciary is becoming danger for the country.

This was stated by Marriyum Aurangzeb while addressing a press conference in Lahore on Sunday. She said that free of cost flour distribution announced by Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif has been started in Islamabad and Gilgit-Baltistan after Punjab, adding that the whole process regarding distribution of free of cost flour will also be made regarding Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkwha and Balochistan. She said that the current government day and night is cleaning the economic mess created by Imran Khan, adding that Imran Khan had gone while bankrupting Pakistan through violating the IMF program singed by himself. She said that IMF program is being renegotiated and conditions of the program with IMF are being renegotiated, due to which the masses are facing difficult circumstances.

Marriyum Aurangzeb said that Imran Khan remained imposed on the country for four years and he put all his opponents in jails and kept them in death cells while becoming a political terrorist. She said that Imran Khan also attacked the rooms of the sisters and daughters and put them in jails and arrested them and dragged them in hospitals and kept them in death cells too. She said that this person has become mad after loosing power, adding that this person is not political terrorist but he is a terrorist. She said that the government could have arrested Imran Khan immediately after coming into power but law and whole process took its course and Imran Khan’s thefts, dacoitees, Toshakhana theft, national exchequer theft, receiving of pearls and jewels, foreign funding, Tyrian case, the law took its course and all these cases are under trial in courts but Imran Khan did not appear. She said that Imran Khan is burning the whole country because he has no reply, adding that the slogan raised by Imran Khan against corruption was false. She said that Imran Khan is a liar terrorist rat.   

Marriyum Aurangzeb alleged that Imran Khan is the father of Tyrian, adding that Imran Khan is coward foreign agent rat, who did not want to appear before the court.

Marriyum Aurangzeb said that Imran Khan was used to talk about dismantling the country but today he is dismantling the country, adding that Imran Khan dismantling the law, constitution and writ of the state in Pakistan and going back while securing bundle package from courts. She said that there is no one who could apprehend this terrorist today, adding that the mentality of Imran Khan of terrorists.