‘Imported government’ consisting of criminals & their patrons has degraded to a new level: Imran Khan

ISLAMABAD, Sep 12 (SABAH): Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman and former prime minister Imran Khan on Monday has asked Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif several questions over PTI’s media blackout.

“Question for Shahbaz Sharif: Are you, out of PTI-fear, responsible for media gags on us, threats & violence against journalists, and fake cases against them, forcing blackouts of PTI and myself from TV and YouTube, and the callous act of trying to blackout my flood relief telethon?” Imran Khan wrote in a series of tweets.

“We know your cabal of crooks and handlers are petrified of PTI popularity. But if you are not responsible for violating our constitutional rights and international commitments on freedom of press and speech, then it is your responsibility to inform the nation who is responsible for these actions?” the PTI chairman asked.

Imran Khan stated that the “imported government” consisting of criminals and their patrons has degraded to a new level by stopping the broadcast of PTI’s flood fund-raising telethon organised last night, adding that the government also threatened the cable operators.

“This proves how much they are afraid of our growing popularity in the nation. They also know that due to the long history of looting, no one is ready to trust them in terms of money. So, to target me and my party, they tried to block the way of collecting donations for the flood victims,” he said.

“Despite all this we managed to raise Rs 5.2 billion in just 2 hours. I want to thank everyone who pledged including our overseas Pakistanis especially those based in the United States,” Imran Khan added.