Imam Syed Ali Shah Geelani is the title & symbol of Kashmir Freedom Movement: Syed Salahuddin

MUZAFFARABAD, August 31 (SABAH): The Head of Hizbul Mujahideen and Chairman United Jihad Council Syed Salahuddin Ahmed has said that Imam Syed Ali Shah Geelani is the title and symbol of Kashmir Freedom Movement; treasures of occupying Indian regimes could buy neither his conscience nor the oppression of millions of occupied forces bar him from his mission.

Syed Salahuddin Ahmed expressed these views while addressing a specialized meeting of United Jihad Council. “Syed Ali Geelani spearheaded the freedom movement unprecedentedly till his last breath and stood as firm as a rock on his principled historical stance of self-determination”, Syed Salahuddin noted. He added that Syed Ali Geelani was elevated to the rank of a Martyr, like Imam Hussain (RA), during his incarceration on September 1st, 2021.

Syed Ali Geelani was the intrepid leader who always thwarted the recurring conspiracies aimed at derailing the freedom movement characterized by immense sacrifices; and severe criticism both from his friends and foes could not create hurdles in his perseverance, Syed Salahuddin maintained. UJC Chairman eulogized the martyred elderly leader’s exceptional bravery, patience and belief which had been the mighty driving force behind the freedom movement heading forward in true letter and spirit despite facing enormous tribulations.

Syed Salahuddin underlined that the best way to pay tribute to the veteran leader is reaffirming the multidimensional struggle as well as thwarting every internal and external conspiracy against the freedom movement. He also suggested that the integral party and representative of the Kashmir dispute i.e. Pakistan and its leadership should get fully cognizant of the nefarious Indian designs and extend unflinching support to the unarmed Kashmiris.

At the end of the meeting, prayers were offered for elevation of ranks of Syed Ali Geelani and other Kashmiri martyrs in jannah. It was also pledged that struggle for freedom would continue till reaching the destination through the path showed by the martyred Syed Ali Geelani.