Illicit financial flows from developing countries to developed countries depleted resources of developing nations: PM Imran Khan

ISLAMABAD, Feb 07 (SABAH): Panagiotis Mitarachi, Minister for Migration and Asylum of the Hellenic Republic along with his accompanying delegation, called on Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday.

Prime Minister Imran Khan underlined the importance Pakistan attached to its cooperative ties with Greece and stressed the need for increased collaboration in diverse fields including migration. The Prime Minister stated that the illicit financial flows from developing countries to the developed countries depleted the resources of developing nations and the phenomenon also manifested itself in creating issues like illegal migration. The Prime Minister underlined that while stemming illicit financial flows, ways should also be found to establish pathways to legal migration. In this context, the Prime Minister appreciated Greece’s initiative of establishing legal migration channels which will open avenues for Pakistani skilled labor.

Prime Minister Imran Khan also underlined the urgency of addressing the dire humanitarian situation in Afghanistan and preventing an economic meltdown. The Prime Minister stressed that it was imperative to release frozen Afghan assets to alleviate the sufferings of the 40 million Afghan people, as it would help build a sustainable Afghan economy and prevent mass exodus of Afghans to other countries.

Minister Mitarachi highlighted the importance of Greece-Pakistan relations and regular bilateral exchanges. While conveying cordial greetings of the Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic, Minister Mitarachi also conveyed his invitation to the Prime Minister to visit Greece. Minister Mitarachi appreciated the Pakistani community’s productive role in the economy of Greece and also outlined the proposed plan for legal migration channels between the two countries. Pakistan and the Hellenic Republic enjoy friendly relations. A strong Pakistani diaspora of more than 60,000 is an important economic and cultural bridge between the two countries. The visit will help further enhance cooperative ties between Pakistan and Greece.

Meanwhile Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday has approved the constitution of Inter-Ministerial Executive Coordination Committee of National Rehmatalil Aalmeen Authority (NRA) on recommendations of its chairman and members.

The committee includes additional Secretary of Federal Education and Professional Training Mohyuddin Ahmed Wani as chairman, additional Secretary of Religious Affairs division, Additional Secretary of Law and Justice division, Additional Secretary of finance division, Additional Secretary of establishment division and representative from NRA as the members.

The objective of Inter-Ministerial Executive Coordination Committee of NRA would be to provide key support in developing quick processes, ensure alignments with official rules and regulations, and extend support in facilitating the compliance and acceleration in various procedures. The specific terms of reference of this committee would be, to provide support in streamlining official business of the authority and to facilitate inter provincial and inter ministerial coordination to the initiatives of NRA. It will also support the development of processes and procedures for smooth working of National Rehmatalil Aalmeen Authority.