Hundreds of Muslims killed in more than 70,000 Hindu-Muslim riots since Pakistan, India came into existence after1947

NEW DELHI, April 4 (SABAH): Hundreds of Muslims killed in more than 70,000 Hindu-Muslim riots after Pakistan and India came into existence in 1947 but unluckily no accused could be held accountable. In the recent incident, Indian courts acquitted 27 accused who were involved in killing of many Muslims, stating lack of testimonies. 

During an interview to a western broadcasting agency, President of Muslim Political Council of India Dr. Tasleem Rehmani said clashes exceeding 70,000 took place since independence of India but no criminals could be held accountable that is why the clashes were still going on there. He said the acquittals exposed a severe breakdown in both substantive and procedural justice, adding that it was not a new thing.

The Maliana carnage took place on May 23, 1987, when hundreds of Hindus accompanied by a huge contingent of the provincial armed constabulary, had entered the tiny village of Maliana, with guns and swords. All five entry points of the locality were allegedly blocked, and the massacre followed, claiming 72 lives. The day before the police and provincial armed constabulary rounded up Muslims from a targeted area in Hashimpuira and shot them in cold blood.

He further said that accused involved in demolition of the Babri Masjid were announcing in the courts that they were involved but the court were stating there were no proofs against them. Law and order would be further deteriorated if the masses, especially Muslims were not given justice while referring the quote “Justice delayed, Justice denied.”  “If some decision is issued so late it means he has already been deprived of justice,” he remarked.

Dr. Tasleem Rehmani maintained peace could not be established in the absence of justice, adding verdicts of lower courts nowadays portray that justice was being denied. It is a grave reality that injustice could not be delivered in Hindu-Muslim riots cases in spite of change in governments, he said and added the governments exploited the courts in this regard.