Hissein Brahim Taha calls for redoubling efforts in support of right of self-determination of Kashmiri people as per UNSC resolutions

ISLAMABAD, Mar 22 (SABAH): OIC Secretary General Hissein Brahim Taha said the Muslim Ummah is faced with multiple challenges which can be addressed collectively.

Addressing the 48th meeting of the OIC CFMs in Islamabad on Tuesday, he expressed serious concerns over the plight of Palestinian people. He said Israel is resorting to continued murder of Palestinian people, confiscation of their land, house demolition, racial discrimination and ethnic cleansing. He said this constitutes a flagrant violation of relevant international laws and resolutions. He said the perpetuation of Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people make it incumbent upon us to strengthen the spirit of solidarity and confront with firmness the Israeli attempts to change the historical and legal status of Al-Quds Al Sharif.

The OIC Secretary General also regretted that the Jammu and Kashmir dispute had not found a solution for a long time. He termed Indian illegal actions of August 2019, abolishing special status of the occupied territory contrary to international laws. He called for redoubling efforts in support of the right of self-determination of Kashmiri people as per the UN Security Council resolutions.

Regarding Afghanistan, the OIC Secretary General stressed for continued dialogue with the Afghan authorities to achieve the objective of peace, stability and development in the country.

Hissein Brahim Taha said the Organization believes in the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Yemen. He appreciated Saudi Arabia for its unremitting efforts for peace and stability in Yemen.

The OIC Secretary General called for collaboration with the international community to combat the issue of Islamophobia. He welcomed the UN resolution, designating 15th March as the international day to combat Islamophobia.

He said the OIC has intensified efforts in strengthening cooperation amongst the member states to ensure the progress of its agenda in higher education, education, health, environment and science and technology.

In his address, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal Bin Farhan Al Saud said his country believes in the OIC’s role in consolidating Islamic solidarity and protecting common interests.

Describing the extraordinary session of the OIC held in December last year as a success, he said this led to the establishment of a humanitarian trust fund for Afghanistan. He called for more efforts to support the Afghan people.

The Saudi Foreign Minister reaffirmed his country’s support for Palestinians and Kashmiri people. He called for direct negotiations between the parties to settle the outstanding dispute of Palestine. He said we support an independent Palestinian state in line with international resolutions.

He said we also support the people of Jammu and Kashmir. He said we support the international effort to reach the just solution of this outstanding dispute.

In his remarks, President Islamic Development Bank Muhammad Suleiman Al-Jasser said his bank is firmly committed to supporting green and sustainable infrastructure development for higher productivity.

He said signing the charter with the OIC for Afghanistan’s humanitarian trust fund is a strong message of solidarity with the Afghan people and a pivotal step for operationalization of the fund. He said he looks forward to generous support in this fund by all OIC countries, national, regional and international organizations, the private sector and philanthropists.

He assured to work closely with the international community to fully synchronize all efforts to ensure sustainable support to Afghan people.

Meanwhile United Nations Secretary General António Guterres, in his video message, said that the United Nations and OIC enjoy decade-old relationship based on shared belief on the values of multilateral cooperation, dialogue and solidarity. He said our two organizations have worked together to nurture a culture of peace and understanding.

The UN Secretary General said in recent years, we have cooperated in key areas including mediation, counter-terrorism, preventing violent extremism, combating anti-Muslim hatred and promoting religious tolerance.

He said today it is imperative to join forces and devise common strategy to meet current challenges facing the world.

Antonio Guterres said we must reform the morally bankrupt global financing system. He said through joint efforts we can confront the challenges for a safer world.