Hafiz Naeemur Rehman holds consultations with various traders’ organizations regarding the proposed shutter-down strike

LAHORE, July 05 (SABAH): Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Emir Hafiz Naeemur Rehman on Friday held consultations at Mansoorah with various traders’ organizations regarding the proposed shutter-down strike and sought their support for a sit-in in Islamabad on July 12.

Speaking to the media on this occasion, Hafiz Naeemur Rehman mentioned that the JI would announce the strike either before or after the sit-in, following the completion of discussions with traders’ organizations across the country. He also noted that he would be visiting Peshawar on Saturday for further consultations.

Hafiz Naeemur Rehman said the traders must stand united against the significant taxation, particularly on exports, introduced in the recent budget. He criticized the government for formulating the budget under IMF dictation and for the prime minister’s proud announcement of it without shame. The JI is organizing the sit-in to protest against the massive increases in electricity and gas tariffs, the petroleum levy, and the imposition of unfair taxes on the salaried class.

Hafiz Naeemur Rehmnn accused the ruling elite of enjoying tax exemptions and free resources while burdening the poor with inflated utility bills. He stated that the ruling parties lack the public’s confidence and credibility to make decisions on critical matters, saying they came to power through rigging. He said the opposition parties except the JI, are not willing to address public issues. Instead, the opposition is either involved in internal conflicts or seeking power through the same dubious means as the ruling parties.

Hafiz Naeemur Rehman expressed concern that the public’s anger could lead to anarchy, which would allow non-democratic forces to take advantage. He emphasized that the JI could not abandon the masses in such circumstances and decided to organize them. He asserted that peaceful and organized resistance is the only option left for the people to claim their rights. The JI is seeking the support of traders for this purpose.

The trader leaders assured the JI Emir of their full support for the movement, and both sides agreed to continue consultations. JI Secretary General Ameerul Azim and other leaders also participated in the discussions.