Hafiz Naeemur Rehman for ‘greater dialogue’ to restore confidence of masses

KARACHI, March 18 (SABAH): Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Pakistan Emir Engineer Hafiz Naeemur Rehman has stressed the need for “greater dialogue” in the country in order to restore confidence of masses on the state and the electoral processes.

The JI supremo expressed these views while addressing a crowded press conference held at Idara Noor-e-Haq — the JI Karachi headquarters, on Tuesday. He was flanked by JI leaders, including JI Karachi Ameer Monem Zafar Khan.

Speaking on the occasion, Hafiz Naeemur Rehman said that the only way forward for the country to get out of the ongoing crises to was to respect the mandate of people. In this regard, he demanded a judicial commission to be formed to rectify results of the national elections in accordance to form 45.

Talking about the alarming situation in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, he said that 57 terrorist attacks had been carried out during the last 48 hours in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. A sense of insecurity has been rising in the country, he said, adding that the KPk had been paying the price of flawed policies as the ruling elite was towing the US line in region, instead of focusing on national interests.

The tribal belt used to act as a regular army or militia for the country, until a dictator took a unilateral uturn without taking the nation or its stakeholders into confidence, he said.

In the aftermath of the flawed policies, Pakistan faced destabilization and turbulence, whereas the Pakistan Army had to carryout several operations in the country, he adding that the JI had been demanding a Pakistan and region centric comprehensive policy shift in this regard.

On the occasion, he reiterated that those in the corridors of powers should bring a paradigm shift in the foreign policy, moving its focus from the United States interests to the regional stability and interests of Pakistan.

He stressed the need on better relations with neighboring Afghanistan and said that both the countries couldn’t afford tensions between them. He urged the interim Afghanistan to ensure that Afghan soil is not used against Pakistan. He also offered the JI’s role for peace between the two countries.

He said that the JI has already constituted two committees — one each for KPk and Balochistan in order to address the issues. He held the government responsible for Jaffer Express tragedy.

Speaking on the occasion, he emphasized on bridging the gap between the nation and the Pakistan Army, saying that no army could win any war without complete support of the nation. He said that mandate theft created distrust among the nation and state institutions.

The JI leader said that reportedly only 10 percent legislators in the Balochistan government have won elections and the rest of the MPAs were sent to assembly as a result of not even selection but “auction”.

Talking about Sindh, he demanded the government to handle the water scarcity issue with care. He opposed the idea of six extra canals for corporate forming. He demanded the government to take all stakeholders into confidence over the issue.

Hafiz Naeemur Rehman also lambasted the Pakistan People Party government over harboring gangs in riverine area of the province.

He said that the conditions of the country were only improving in advertisements issued by the government on the expenditure of taxpayers’ money. On the other hand, he said that the ruling elite was enjoying all perks and privileges and had increased its salaries by 300 percent.

Talking about the electricity issue, he demanded of the government to devise a uniform, tax free regime based on the cost of electricity across the country. He also lambasted the government over changes in the policy for solar panels.

Later in the day, the JI supremo addressed a public Iftar in Karachi’s Lyari area. On the occasion, he announced a Million March and mass mobilization after Eidul Fitar. He urged Karachiites to join the JI’s Karachi Rights Movement.