Hafiz Naeemur Rehman dubs SC decision fresh breeze, demands judicial commission to pursue form 45

KARACHI, July 13 (SABAH): Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Pakistan Ameer Engineer Hafiz Naeemur Rehman has dubbed the Supreme Court of Pakistan (SCP)’s decision on reserved seats a fresh breeze of air and linked the constitution of a judicial commission on form 45 to the stability of democracy in Pakistan.

Hafiz Naeemur Rehman was addressing a press conference at Idara Noor-e-Haq, the JI Karachi headquarters, here on Saturday.

Speaking on the occasion, he appealed to the apex court to constitute a judicial commission to pursue the form 45s. He said that form 45 was a constitutional document and it provides the basis for the constitution of a democratically elected government. So, in the presence of form 45, there is no need for a re-election, all we need to do is to attest the controversial form 47 in the light of form 45.
Talking about the implications of the court order, he said that it has placed question marks on several matters.
He was of the view that the Election Commission of Pakistan has lost all moral grounds and in the light of the court ruling, the entire ECP should go packing.

The JI leader also questioned the political parties who had taken advantage of the situation. He said that the political parties chanting slogans against establishment earlier, later enjoyed the reserved seats and became a part of the form 47 assembly.
The JI leader strongly lambasted the government over unbearable excessive electricity bills. He said that the regime has been increasing the electricity tariff on the behest of the International Monetary Fund and to please a particular sector apparently for kickbacks.
He said that the JI will hold protest today across the country. He added that on July 26, a historical sit-in will be initiated in Islamabad.
On the occasion, he shed light in detail on the issue of independent power producers. He said that it was a network of corruption that have looted the nation in the name of capacity charges.

He has held the regimes since 1994 for the issue of IPPs. He said that it was one of the biggest scams in the history of Pakistan.

The JI leader also talked about the issues pertaining to the local government in Karachi as well as lawlessness across the Sindh province.