Govt has dropped another fuel bomb on the nation on dictation of IMF: Sirajul Haq

LAHORE, June 03 (SABAH): Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Emir Sirajul Haq has said the government has dropped another fuel bomb on the nation on the dictation of the IMF, creating unbearable situation for the millions of the people who are already starving due to inflation.
The irony was that the ruling elite itself had never been ready to make any sacrifice instead they had always picked the masses as scapegoat, Sirajul Haq added while addressing the JI Majlise Shura (consultative council) at Mansoorah on Friday. The masses, he said, were no longer ready to accept the slavery of the IMF and their agents.

The JI, Sirajul Haq said, was completely rejecting the raise in fuel prices and power tariff and will not sit silent over the crimes of the rulers against the poor people of Pakistan.  

The three-day session of the Shura began on Friday to discuss the prevailing situation in the country. Sirajul Haq, who already announced the countrywide protest movement against the inflation and interest-based economy from June 11, said the JI would not only discuss the prevailing crises during the Shura sessions but also present a plant before the nation to bring it out from the mess created by the three ruling parties during their rule over country for decades.

He said the unity government of the PDM and the PPP crossed all the limits of cruelty, continuing the policies of the former PTI government. The irony was that the three parties were in power in one province or the other and at the same time they were holding each other responsible to the plight of the people, he said. If the PPP was in power in Sindh for over 14 years, the PTI was in-charge of the affairs of the KP since 2013, he said. Similarly, he added, the PML-N was also ruling over the biggest province for years. The ruling parties, he said, must inform the nation what they had done for the welfare of the masses instead of blame game and lies. He said the JI was the only option left with the masses and it could bring the real change if voted to power.