Govt employees not being provided salaries timely while cruel notables, corrupt capitalists sitting in houses enhancing their perks & privileges: Ameerul Azim

LAHORE, June 22 (SABAH): Secretary General Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Ameerul Azim has said that government employees were not being provided salaries timely while cruel notables and corrupt capitalists sitting in the houses were enhancing their perks and privileges.

Ameerul Azim expressed these views at Lahore Railway Station, while addressing a protest demonstration taken out against non-payment of salaries to Railways employees. The Pakistan Railway Employees (PREM) had conducted the gathering. President PREM Union Sheikh Muhammad Anwar also addressed the protest demonstration.

Ameerul Azim further noted that cruel rulers were totally careless about the masses and stressed upon the quarters concerned to pay the dues to the employees of Railways forthwith. He added that Jamaat-e-Islami was standing by the employees of the Pakistan Railways, saying Railways should be given bail out package beside regularizing the services of temporary and daily wages employees.

Secretary General Jamaat-e-Islami warned the Railways administration if they didn’t change their attitude towards the employees then the Jamaat-e-Islami would hold march while taking the employees along to the federal capital. “More than 60000 Railways employees and more than 100000 pensioners have not been given their dues relating to May while Eidul Azha is forthcoming and that the employees have been suffering,” he added.

Moreover, he said that coalition government of Pakistan Democratic Government (PDM) was announcing perks and privileges for its ministers, advisers and senators while on other side the people have been deprived of food of two times.

Ameerul Azim said that mass-killing of employees were underway on the name of right sizing, down sizing and golden shake hand and advised the Prime Minister to do downsizing of his cabinet rather the employees.

Sheikh Muhammad Anwar warned if the Railways employees were not given salaries, then would be forced to hold an unexpected protest which would shake the houses and deprive the rulers of their sleep. He stressed upon the quarters concerned to stop violations of rights of the employees.