Genocide of Palestinians in Gaza by Israel with the backing of Britain, America & European countries has exposed the Muslim rulers: Liaqat Baloch

RAWALPINDI, Nov 13 (SABAH): Naib Emir Jamaat-e-Islami and former parliamentary leader Liaqat Baloch has said that genocide of Palestinians in Gaza by Israel with the backing of America, Britain and European countries has exposed the Muslim rulers and it has also put serious questions marks at the military and nuclear capability of Islamic countries.
Liaqat Baloch expressed these while addressing district gathering of Rawalpindi, Palestine March held by Majlis Wadahtul Muslimeen and Political Electoral Convention.

In the Islamic world, people are aware of each and everything and are on roads to express solidarity with the Palestinians, he said. He said across the world even people of non-Muslim countries are protesting in favour of Palestinians and against Israeli Zionist Americans and European rulers.

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) while hesitating from taking effective measures has laid the foundation of a great destruction which is why OIC summit should be reconvened and weak stance and hesitation in taking effective measures should be compensated; otherwise apathy of Muslim rulers would bring era of Muslim Spring across the Islamic world.

Liaqat Baloch said issue of Palestine should only be resolved on the basis of Palestinians’ right of freedom.

Liaqat Balcoh while addressing the political electoral convention, said that Pakistan People’s Party, Muslim League and PTI are redundant in wake of their incompetency, failure, corruption, mismanagement and pushing the country towards crisis.

He said that Jamaat-e-Islami would activate and organize Pakistan Millat during 2024 elections and added its scale, the symbol during electioneering will become a sign of its victory. He appealed to the youth to support Jamaat-e-Islami to make Pakistan prosperous.