ForArtsSake is a relatively new partnership created for the express purpose to promote art & artists: Ms. Amna I. Pataudi

GILGIT, August 24 (SABAH): ForArtsSake is a relatively new partnership created for the express purpose to promote art and artists and create awareness about the important role of art in society.

It provides a platform to those who may have been ignored and pushed towards the fringes, but who have, nonetheless, an ability that speak volumes with their brush strokes. The Managing Director is Ms. Amna I. Pataudi, and the Directors are Dr. Rahat Naveed Masud, Colonel (Retd)Abrar Ismail, and Imtiaz H. Gilani.

ForArtSake has held exhibitions in Pakistan, UK, and Tanzania. The exhibition at KIU is one leg of a traveling show that started its journey in Lahore, moved to Islamabad, and is now in Gilgit. After this the exhibition will move to universities in southern Punjab.

This exhibition celebrates our Independence Day by eye catching paintings of the Quaid done by an excellent artist Ali Azmat. Moving from one frame to the next, the viewer is galvanized by the powerful look of our benefactor. A kaleidoscope of expressions can be seen in the paintings, covering the entire spectrum from happiness, euphoria, sadness, despondency, and hope. Looking at these paintings one can see the vision our founder had for Pakistan. The exhibition is curated by Ms. Amna I. Pataudi and Dr. Rahat Naveed Masud.

ForArtSake eschews political statements, however we believe artists are part of society and they have the onerous responsibility to stimulate minds to focus on things that have gone somewhat awry, and subtly nudge people towards introspection and course-correction.