FM Bilawal says Imran Khan’s ‘undemocratic behaviour’ sabotaged talks b/w the PTI & the govt

ISLAMABAD, May 25 (SABAH): Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said that ex-premier Imran Khan’s “undemocratic behaviour” sabotaged the talks between the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and the government.

“The PTI has never suffered the consequences of its actions and like a child, it misbehaves,” FM Bilawal Bhutto told the journalists after attending the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs on Thursday. “When we brought the no-confidence motion, Imran Khan replied to our democratic ways in an undemocratic way and called us traitors.”

Bilawal Bhutto also said that neither he nor did the PPP had the space to “dilute” the actions of May 9. “Now PTI will have to face the laws.”

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that there is a “misconception” regarding trying alleged May 9 rioters, who he deemed terrorists, under the army laws.

“Whenever people hear about military or army courts, there is a visceral reaction … but there is a misconception that the way Pakistan brought a constitutional amendment and established military courts … the same will be done for May 9 terrorists as well.

“But we are not bringing any amendment to the law or the Constitution. In the books, there is a Pakistan Army Act and the Official Secrets Act … if any law has been violated then the law must take its course and there are consequences,” he added.

Bilawal Bhutto said that in principle he opposes imposing ban on any political party but the concerned political party should have to keep the desire of remaining a political party. He said that if that political party itself wants to become the militant organization and is not ready to distance itself from May 9th events then whatever he wants is irrelevant and law will take its course. Bilawal Bhutto said that he recognizes that PTI has the potential to become a political party, adding that the incidents of attacks on corps commander house and General Headquarters (GHQ) were reported but the way military installations were attacked when it will come in front of the masses then every Pakistani will say the law should take its course and we should not allow that precedent to become a precedent. He said that political parties are in parliament, political parties do politics and do now take up the stone, club or gun against the state.

Bilawal Bhutto said that he and PPP find no middle way or space to dilute the 9th May incidents, adding that Imran Khan has crossed all the redlines. He said that Imran Khan being the prime minister could have brought amendment in the Pakistan Army act but now they have to face the existing law.  

Bilawal Bhutto informed the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs that decision to participate in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation’s (SCO) summit held in the Indian city of Goa proved productive and positive for Pakistan.

“As far as the Kashmir issue, bilateral issues between Pakistan and India and the responsibilities of multilateralism are concerned, my conclusion after the trip is that it is productive and positive decision to participate in the event” he said. “We thought, we should project Pakistan’s case and point of view in front of not only Indian but the other participant countries,” he informed the committee. Bilawal said it was also decided not to provide an open opportunity to India.

He said that it was a difficult decision to participate in the event and a lot of work was done by the Foreign Ministry to evolve consensus in that regard.

The minister said that former Foreign Secretaries, leaders of allied parties and other stakeholders had been taken on board for their feedback regarding participation in the event in India.

“SCO is a multilateral forum and it provided opportunities to hold meetings with the world leadership and project Pakistan’s point of view on various points,” he added.

Bilawal said the second point that had been considered for attending the event was that all-weather friend of Pakistan China and Russia were the founder of this organization.

He said that SCO had provided an opportunity to highlight Pakistan’s narrative as it was the Indian objective to abuse this important forum.

He said Pakistan had effectively responded to the Indian narrative of linking terrorism with Pakistan, Muslims and Kashmiris.

“The event provided an opportunity to make them understand that I am the son of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto who became a victim of terrorism. People of Pakistan are most affected by terrorism,” he added.

He said that Pakistan wanted to fight terrorism in the best interest of the country.

The minister said that positive and productive meetings with all the foreign ministers of the members’ countries were held on the sideline of the event.

He said it was decided before leaving for India not to hold bilateral meetings with Indian leadership due to the August 2019 unilateral decision of India.

“It is our principled stance that we will not seek a meeting with our Indian counterpart,” he added.

He was of the view that the SCO meeting also provided an opportunity to interact with Indian people, senior anchors and media persons and counter the Indian narrative of linking terrorism with Pakistan and Muslims.

He said that Pakistan would host the SCO conference in 2026-2027 and there was hope the Indian counterpart would attend the meeting.

Responding to a question, the minister said, that soon after arriving from India at Karachi Airport, he effectively responded to the allegations of Indians in the SCO conference.

He said that diplomatic channels had also been used to respond to the Indian allegations.

Responding to a question regarding Afghanistan, he said a stable, prosperous and secure Afghanistan was in the interest of people of Afghanistan, Pakistan and other neighbouring countries.

He said that it was the request of the interim government of Afghanistan to address the core issue of TTP operating from its soil against Pakistan.

He said that after the taking over of the interim Afghanistan government, terrorist attacks in Pakistan had increased.

He said that issue of Afghanistan had also been discussed with the participants of the SCO conference during sideline meetings.

About relations with Saudi Arabia and Iran, he appreciated the role of China in bringing closer Saudi Arabia and Iran.

“China has proved itself as super power and peacemaker” he added.

He said that improved relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia would also bring a positive effect on Pakistan.

He said that the Indian decision to hold the Group of 20 Youth and Tourism convention in Indian-Occupied Kashmir was condemnable.

He said the holding of the meeting indicated that India did not care about the United Nations resolution.

“You cannot dream of being a superpower by violating international laws and resolutions of the United Nations,” he added.

He said that during his stay in India, he told the Indians that they would not achieve 100 per cent participation because the meeting was being held in the disputed area.

“I could not find a single international media report on the conference in Indian Occupied Jammu Kashmir confined to tourism and youth affairs. Every report discusses disputed areas and action of 2019 and Human Rights abuses,” he added.

The minister said that India failed to give impression of normalcy in Kashmir.

Earlier on Thursday, meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, chaired by Senator Farooq Hamid Naek, saw Foreign Minister of Pakistan Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s briefing on Pakistan’s achievements at the SCO Council of Foreign Ministers meeting in India.

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari explained the rationale behind attending the SCO Summit, highlighting the need to counter India’s narrative on terrorism. He emphasized Pakistan’s commitment to resolving the issue and leveraging multilateral platforms for meaningful exchanges.

Strongly condemning India’s G-20 tourism meeting in occupied Jammu and Kashmir, FM Bilawal Bhutto Zardari highlighted the international community’s lack of participation. Pakistan’s engagement with Afghanistan and support for Saudi-Iran rapprochement were also discussed.