Farooq Rehmani strongly condemns Indian authorities’ life threats to incarcerated leader Yasin Malik

ISLAMABAD, May 24 (SABAH): Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, Convener All Parties Hurriyet Conference AJ&K Chapter, has strongly condemned Indian authorities life threats to incarcerated leader Muhammad Yasin Malik as a result of denial of fundamental rights to him and right to defend against fabricated criminal charges framed by a revengeful and partial establishment of India in Delhi and Kashmir.

He said that Muhammad Yasin Malik and other Kashmiri leaders in Tihar and other jails had been demanding the right of self-determination for their people in accordance with the charter of United Nations, international law and the Security Council resolutions on Kashmir, so it were no treason or crime as the UN had itself adopted multiple resolutions to resolve the longstanding dispute.

He expressed concern that besides Yasin Malik there were other detained leaders Massarat Aalam Butt and Shabeer Ahmed Shah in detention whom the Indian authorities wanted to indict and punish in contravention of the basic international law without right to due and proper defense. He stated that India’s brutal and hateful campaign had created a poisonous atmosphere in the region and it was the responsibility of the world body to prevent the Indian establishment from sentencing Muhammad Yasin Malik.

He warned that India must not be permitted to send Yasin Malik to gallows and at the same time open door to indictment and sentencing other scores of leaders in the same manner on fictitious grounds to silence the voice of freedom in Jammu and Kashmir’s Indian Occupied region. The UN should take up the issue and urge India to release M Yasin Malik from prison, he emphasised.