Farooq Rehmani felicitates the Muslims on eve of the Eid-Al-Adha

ISLAMABAD, June 14(SABAH): Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, Chairman J&K People’s Freedom League and ex-Convener All Parties Hurriyat Conference AJ&K Chapter while felicitating the Muslims on eve of the Eid-Al-Adha, has emphasised the importance of the lessons of the great sacrifice on Eid and Haj as taught by Syedna Ibraheem, Ismaeel Alaihasalam and Syeda Hajira AS.

Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said without inculcating the true spirit of Eid , Haj and Sacrifice, in our hearts and day to day doings, we can’t build our character to please our Creator and serve humanity.

   He reminded the Muslims and their rulers and leaders that the world of Islam and the Muslim societies were being targeted by the western imperialism and their proxies like the Zionists in the Middle East and Palestine and in the South Asia, racist regime of Hindutva politicians in India was running an aggressive campaign of Islamophobia against the Indian Muslims and was crushing the movement of liberation and the right of self-determination in Jammu and Kashmir. While, over one hundred thousand Kashmiris have been martyred by the Indian occupation forces during the last 32 years and India was continuously committing grave human rights atrocities on the people there, including killings by fake encounters with impunity. He said the people of Kashmir were crying for peace, justice and the right of self-determination but instead the bullets were being rained on them routinely for the ethnic cleansing of the Kashmiris.

  Muhammad Farooq Rehmani reminded the Muslim Umma of nexus between the western imperialism and Zionism which had already martyred more than 36 thousand Palestinians besides displacement of over 10 million in Gaza and the West Bank through their genocide plan purported to bring about change of demography and destroy the Palestine by ethnic cleansing. The Zionist regime has devastated the native land of the Palestinians and annihilated their population and challenged to erase the State of Palestine from the world map, facing no obstacles from the Muslim countries or UN, who were as deaf and dumb as ever. He said the history’s first war of bombs , munitions, white phosphorus and fatal modern technology was being fought by a proxy and illegitimate State of Zionists with the help of western imperialist states against the Arab Palestinians so ruthlessly and revengefully that the Gaza Strip had turned into a burnt land of rubble and ashes . All the progress and development which the picturesque land had achieved was in shambles.

He said the greatest loss in the ongoing war of Palestine and Western imperialism is the loss of humanity. The parents have lost their kids and kids were without parents and in numerous cases we find neither parents nor children and no houses nor families and yet the US was delivering sermons of human rights to our world.

Muhammad Farooq Rehmani hailed the common people, students, teachers, lawyers of all ages and both genders who were up in arms against the genocide in Palestine and thronged in millions on streets and campuses of the universities to demand cease-fire and recognition of an Independent state of Palestine in the Mid East. Their millions march in all major cities of the US and Europe including England, Scotland and Ireland vindicated and testified by the unfolding events that the imperialist supporters and Israel were alone and all the oppressed and enslaved nations were on the right side of history

On this holy day of Eid-Al-Adha, we must not forget to recall the plight of the Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar, whose ancestral citizenship rights were terminated by the Buddhist military regime and monks and millions were forced to flee to the Bangladesh and other countries after their ethnic cleansing in the previous decades.

He insisted on the Muslim world to forge unity and raise and highlight the questions of Kashmir, Palestine, Rohingya Arakan state, for their liberation and Indian Muslims for their equal constitutional and fundamental rights before the relevant UN forums and regional organisations. May Allah shower His blessings on the oppressed people of the Kashmir, Palestine, and others and be pleased with the believers in this world and hereafter.