Fahim Kayani urges unity of action in raising critical issues regarding abduction of Kashmiri leaders, demographic changes in IIoJK

BIRMINGHAM, June 10 (SABAH): The severe and catastrophic situation in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIoJK) demand serious and sustained campaign to hold India accountable for its war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Raja Fahim Kayani, President Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK, has called on Kashmiri diaspora groups across the world to forge a “unity in purpose and action” to raise critical issues regarding Kashmir with international community.

For its part, Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK, also announced month-long programs across Europe in June to highlight India’s crimes and its fascist actions in the UN-designated disputed territory of IIoJK.

Addressing a news conference in Birmingham, Raja Fahim Kayani said: “the disastrous situation created by Indian military regime in IIoJK demands that Kashmiri diaspora pull ups its sleeves and intensify lobbying and diplomatic efforts in international power corridors which can force New Delhi to stop its crimes in Kashmir.”

Flanked by Chaudhary Muhammad luqman, Deputy Leader TeK UK and Chaudhary Ikramul Haq President TeK Birmingham, Raja Fahim Kayani slammed India for fake trial and farce conviction of Kashmiri resistance leader Muhammad Yasin Malik.

“Our Hurriyat leaders have been abducted on fake charges and India can go to any extent to satisfy its blood-thirsty conscience,” said Fahim Kayani, calling on diaspora groups to form a strategy to seek release of incarcerated Kashmiri resistance leaders including Hurriyat Conference Chief Masarat Alam Butt, Muhammad Yasin Malik, Shabir Ahmed Shah, Asiya Andrabi, Nahida Nasreen, Fehmeeda Sofi, Peer Saifullah, Dr. Muhammad Qasim Faktoo, Nayeem Ahmed Khan and others.

Calling for a sustained campaign for release of Kashmiri resistance leaders and activists, Raja Fahim Kayani on the occasion released calendar of various activities of Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK to be held in June.

“India is artificially changing demography in IIoJK which is clear and brutal violation of Geneva Conventions and India cannot be given a free hand,” said Kayani. “It is responsibility of Kashmiri diaspora groups to rise to occasion and spread awareness regarding such brazen violation of international law by fascist regime in India.”

He said Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK-led Kashmiri diaspora groups and their allies will hold an “Release Yasin Malik and All Kashmiri Political Leaders March” in London on June 12 while on June 16, it will submit a petition regarding Kashmir in the UK prime minister’s office.

On June 20, Kayani said, pro-Kashmir demonstrations will be held outside the office of UN Human Rights office in Geneva “to wake up from slumber the world’s top human rights defenders.”

“On June 28, an international Kashmir conference will be held in British parliament,” Kayani said, adding that early next month Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK will release a fresh program for future course of action.

Raja Fahim Kayani will separately hold meetings and discussions with legal and international affairs experts on illegal abduction of Kashmiri resistance leaders.

“Kashmiris are not seeking anything which is illegal,” said Kayani. “We are seeking a right that has been given to us by international community through United Nations. Non-implementation of right to self-determination in IIoJK raises a big question on credibility of UN itself.”