Fahim Kayani condemns illegal arrest of Ahsan Untoo being from IoJ&K

BIRMINGHAM, Jan 15 (SABAH): The President of Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK Raja Fahim Kayani has condemned the illegal arrest of Ahsan Untoo being from Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Raja Fahim Kayani said that he is concerned about the students, human rights activists like Ahsan Untoo, Khurram Pervaiz and Journalists like Sajad Gul, who have been arrested under false allegations when India legally has no right on Kashmir or to apply any Indian laws specially draconian laws.

Raja Fahim Kayani added, “Ahsan Untoo is a very active colleague & a powerful voice of Kashmir to be suppressed. I am worried to see the cases logged against Kashmiris around the world are increasing while the world pays no attention. It seems Kashmiri are getting prepared for the holocaust like the Jews in the past. I wouldn’t like the history to be repeated but would add on Pakistan & India been a nuclear powers might turn the world into a holocaust if wars breaks out as this matter isn’t getting resolved. We see South Asia suffering from decades so I would appeal to the world to say no more by asking the United Nations to intervene at the earliest. Kashmiris have the birth right & their right of self determination has been recognised by the UN Security Council Resolutions which India has denied by calling Kashmir India’s integral part without the consent of the Kashmiris & promised plebiscite which Kashmiris still await from 74yrs.”

The Information Secretary of Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK Rehana Ali said,” I am shocked as Ahsan Untoo is one of best voices from the valley. I stand by him & I am concerned to the increasing numbers of not only fake encounters but even detentions, arrests and cases been logged against Kashmiri in IOJK, India & even abroad. Unfortunately nothing much is done against the draconian laws been used against civilian Kashmiris. United Nations urged India few years to be the world democracy it needs to repeal AFSPA but now we even witness more draconian laws in action as the detention laws PSA specially UAPA & ITA on raise been imposed on Kashmiris around the world.”

Rehana Ali added,” I myself am a victim of ITA S69A in India for raising my voice on social media specially Twitter to free Kashmir & stop the atrocities on Kashmiris in Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir. First my account was suspended then returned but soon after a case was logged & my twitter account was blocked in India & IOJK plus my features were been limited to stop my activities. If I was there I would be arrested for 7yrs with a fine. The case hasn’t stopped my passion to free Kashmir but determined me as my voice was heard to be tried to be supressed. I appeal the world to highlight the draconian laws by campaigns so we can get them repealed to save lives.”

Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK will continue to keep working in Europe alone with our other branches to free Kashmir specially will continue to campaign to free Kashmiri political prisoners especially in this pandemic.