Experts stress on the role of youth to counter the effects of fake news & misinformation

RAWALPINDI, Nov 22, (SABAH): In an event arranged by the Accountability Lab at the Fatima Jinnah Women University (FJWU) Rawalpindi; speakers discussed the key drivers and impacts of fake news and disinformation on society, especially on our youth. Dr. Zafar Iqbal, Dean, Social Sciences Department, International Islamic University, Islamabad; Dr. Shazia Hashmat, Assistant Professor, Communication and Media Studies, FJWU; and senior journalist/anchorperson Mateen Haider were among the key speakers. The event was attended by a large number of students and faculty of FJWU.

Speaking to the participants of the seminar, Dr. Hashmat said that the presence of fake news and misinformation in media is not new, however, due to the rapid advancements in internet technologies and social media; the spread of fake news and misinformation has increased, and become organized. As responsible citizens, we should equip ourselves to understand and recognize the source of information before sharing it with people in our social network.

Fake news has become an organized industry, and money for that industry is the people, said Dr. Zafar Iqbal. It’s important for you as students of mass communication to understand a few basic concepts including the difference between fake and actual news; its impact on society and how this industry works. Your every click pours money into the fake news industry. Therefore, it is very important for you to be considerate of these facts while consuming and spreading a piece of information. It is important for academic institutions to provide students with a solid foundation and perspective on media and information literacy as part of the curriculum. Teachers must be well-trained in order to empower students with the necessary competencies to critically understand and assess information reported by all forms of media, added Dr. Zafar Iqbal.

Senior journalists and the anchorperson Mateen Haider, while responding to a question said that “it is the responsibility of the youth to help counter the misinformation that is having a devastating effect on our society. Media students in particular have a better understanding of the phenomenon, and can play a vital role in helping others, navigate the challenges resulting due to the spread of fake news and misinformation”.