Entire nation is appreciative of the role played by media amid recent gigantic flood calamity: Muhammad Abdul Shakoor

LAHORE, Oct 10 (SABAH): President Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Muhammad Abdul Shakoor has said that the entire nation is appreciative of the role played by media amid recent gigantic flood calamity with regards to transmitting information, sensing public, encouraging downtrodden masses, introducing welfare organisations and motivating philanthropists.

This was said by President Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Muhammad Abdul Shakoor on Monday. He said till today recue phase has finished till now and relief phase will also commence to shrink within next few weeks. Thanks to Almighty Allah the way Pakistanis, inside and outside country, demonstrated their affection and passion of sacrifice and its lasting impacts will be remembered in every province’s calamity-stricken settlements in the future whereas the phase of rehabilitation is going to be initiated onwards.

He further said that all welfare organisations including Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan, will enthusiastically participate in this task; however, added this task is so gigantic in nature that it cannot be undertaken by any single welfare outfit as millions of destroyed houses are to be built up; millions of emptied-handed growers were in need of seeds, fertilizers and pesticides; thousands of schools, hospitals, seminaries and mosques need to be refurbished and there is a need of speedy work on hundreds of broken roads, bridges, electric lines, railway lanes as well as on installations of clean drinking water.

Muhammad Abdul Shakoor said that central and provincial governments have yet not informed anyone about their plan of rehabilitation projects as “how much capital they obtained from inside and outside the country and the way it will be divided at central and provincial level. How and when assistance will be provided to poor owners of destroyed houses and agricultural fields.”

“In case they are not assisted then whose doors they should knock at. You all should take up voice of these depressed people either through written materials or speeches, Muhammad Abdul Shakoor said, and added “there is need of your assistance for transmitting waves of anxiety to powerful corridors, the voice of these helpless, voiceless and handless people as our numerous aspirations are associated with you. You and we all are being tested in the court of Almighty Allah. Pen down for them; speak for them and transmit this message. May Almighty Allah keeps you with beaming faces and honoured.”