Dr. Humaira Tariq expresses full support & cooperation with the ‘Haq Do Awam Ko Tahreek’ movement launched by Hafiz Naeemur Rehman

LAHORE, July 03 (SABAH): Secretary General of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Women’s Wing Dr. Humaira Tariq has expressed full support and cooperation with the “Haq Do Awam Ko Tahreek” movement launched by Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Engineer Hafiz Naeemur Rehman.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, Dr. Humaira Tariq said that the current government’s flawed policies have pushed the entire nation into economic hardship and uncertainty. As long as the oppressive ruling class remains in power, the political leadership that feels the pain of the poor people cannot remain silent. She expressed these views in a statement supporting the movement.

She said that every segment of society is being exploited, the country is facing political and economic chaos, and the nation is being driven towards despair and frustration. The people are seeing what is happening in Kenya, and the government should come to its senses and provide relief to the people, otherwise, the rulers will face the consequences of public exploitation.

Dr. Humaira Tariq further said that first, the people’s mandate was murdered, and now the economic exploitation of the oppressed people is ongoing. How long will the nation tolerate this? The patience of the people is running out. She added that Jamaat-e-Islami is the only political party raising its voice for the people, while other parties are driven by personal interests and are not concerned about the problems and issues of the common people.

Dr. Humaira Tariq  appealed to women from all segments of society, including teachers, doctors, lawyers, students, and homemakers, to fully support the Islamabad sit-in on July 12 and use public power to achieve their fundamental rights