Dr. Fowzia Siddiqui leaves for US to meet jailed Dr. Aafia Siddiqui

KARACHI, May 22 (SABAH): Global Aafia Movement chairperson and noted neurophysician of the country Dr. Fowzia Siddiqui on Wednesday left for the US to meet her jailed sister Dr. Aafia Siddiqui.


Talking on the occasion, she said she is going to the US to dispel the rumors about the release of Aafia Siddiqui that recently went viral on social media. She regretted this negative campaign on the social media and said that the national print and electronic media showed much responsibility and never published or broadcast the fake news about the release of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui.

She said that when there emerges some hopes about the release of Aafia, some elements sabotage them by spreading the fake news. She appealed to the people to reject all such rumours and not to become part of any conspiracy.

She said Aafia is a Pakistani citizen and she must return to her country. She said that next six months are very important regarding the return of Aafia. She said the aim of her US visit is not just to meet Aafia but also to take efforts for her early release. She said no innocent person should be jailed. She appealed the nation to support her warmly.

When she was leaving for the US this morning, she along with Pasban Democratic Party (PDP) Chairman Altaf Shakoor talked to her supporters at the airport.

She hoped that this time her meeting with her jailed sister in the FMC Carswell prison would be hassle free and hopefully the ministry of foreign affairs and Pakistani embassy would implement the court orders in this regard. She hoped that this time she would also hug her sister as for last 21 years she had not hugged her. She hoped that the new government in Pakistan would take the country to a shining future and help in bringing Aafia back home.