Dr. Aafia in miserable condition, key to her release lies not in Washington but in Islamabad: Senator Mushtaq Ahmed Khan

ISLAMABAD, July 05 (SABAH): Senator Mushtaq Ahmed Khan, Dr. Fowzia Siddiqui and Chairperson Defense of Human Rights Amina Masood Janjua have said that Dr. Aafia Siddiqui is in miserable condition in US jail and key to her release lies in Islamabad, so it is obligation of Pakistani nation not to leave any stone unturned for bringing her back to the country.
They were talking to Senior Journalist and Anchorperson Hamid Mir in Geo News Program “Capital Talk” on Wednesday.
Jamaat-e-Islami Senator Mushtaq Ahmed Khan, while thanking the Capital Talk Host, Hamid Mir for highlighting Dr. Aafia Siddiqui’s issue in the program consistently since 2003 said, Aafia Siddiqui is “Hafizi Quran”, she has been reciting the Holy Quran and “Masnoon Duain” during all time in jail, which confer her courage and patience. Dr. Aafia told him that this act had been giving her calm and endurance during despondent and harsh circumstances.
“Dr. Aafia is in wretched and miserable situation in jail. Her four front teeth are broken, has deep scar on face, scar of deep wound on head behind ear, her hearing power has been affected,” he maintained, adding that Dr. Aafia was brought for meeting in iron chains and was taken away in the same way.
He deplored they were not allowed to show the pictures of Dr. Aafia Siddiquie’s children to her, which is inhuman act. Cameras had been installed even in her bathroom. She has been in this jail for 15 years, before that she was in Dark-Cell in Bagram Jail Afghanistan.
Senator Mushtaq said that during the meeting, Dr. Aafia was constantly asking them about her mother and son Suleman, unknowingly that her mother had already died and the six month old minor was disappeared at the time she was abducted.
“Dr. Aafia has been caged in Federal Medical Complex, which specially has been made for mad prisoners. Many rape cases have surfaced in this jail so far. The whole nation must come up to get back the daughter of nation Dr. Aafia Siddiqui”, he said, adding that key to Dr. Aafia Siddiqui’s release lies not in Washington but in Islamabad.
He said that Dr. Aafia Siddiqui’s incident is “Enforced Disappearance”. The Pakistani government ought to make efforts for shifting her from this notorious jail, where she is spending deteriorating life. In 2008, a government delegation comprising of senators, visited US and met Dr. Aafia. Senate and the government should have taken solid steps for releasing her, but unfortunately the report was pushed to the cold storage.
Senator Mushtaq Ahmed suggested that there are four options for releasing Dr. Aafia from US jail are: relief and release on the basis of compensation grounds, review of the judgment, clemency and swap of the interest. “Keeping Dr. Aafia in worst jail after abduction is violation of national and international laws”, he said, adding that Dr. Aafia was sentenced in such a case in which she was charged firing on US troops during investigation, at a police station in Afghanistan; no personal was killed or injured in the incident, however she received two bullets and went on ventilator.
He said that British Attorney and Human Rights Activist, Clive Smith had revealed him that he had made 87 prisoners released from Guantanamo jail, but Dr. Aafia was tortured more than the total violence against them.
Senator Mushtaq Ahmed retreated that case against Dr. Aafia was too weak, and she could be brought to Pakistan just in days, if only the state of Pakistan would become complainant.
Dr. Fowzia Siddiqui while speaking in “Capital Talk” said that meeting with her younger sister Aafia Siddiqui made her more restless and agony, and is unable to sleep after seeing her. “Pakistani government took positive step of the meeting and now we hope it will take tangible steps for brining her back to Pakistan”.
“There was a thick glass wall between Dr. Aafia and me, we were not allowed to hug or shake hands”, Dr. Fowzia said, adding that 20 golden years have been snatched from Dr. Aafia and they want nothing but just to see Aafia in Pakistan.
Dr. Fowzia Siddiqui maintained that Dr. Aafia had requested her to gift a blue colour model rail or model truck to her son Ahmed, after reaching to Pakistan, on behalf of her. But she replied that her son is no more kid now, he has become a doctor; on which Aafia was surprised. “Due to the 20 years space between family and mother, Aafia’s children are still kids he her mind”, Dr. Fowzia stated.
On the question of Aafia Siddiqui’s youngest son Suleman, who was only 6 month old at the time of Aafia’s abduction, Dr. Fowzia Siddiqui replied that they had carried out every possible effort to trace him out; they visited EDHI centers as well, but all in vain.
Dr. Fowzia Siddiqui said Dr. Aafia even at the time was sentenced for 86 years imprisonment, had announced to forgive everyone responsible in the case, despite all injustices. “After returning to the own country, Dr. Aafia would not do revenge politics.
Amina Masood Janjua in the program said that Dr. Aafia’s condition had sadden her deeper than her own husband Masood Janjua’s disappearance. “Abducting a woman with her three innocent children is inhuman act”, she said, adding that “Kangaroo court” in US sentenced Aafia for 86 years, which could never be justified in any human society.
She said that in past, no foreign minister or Ambassador played role for Dr. Aafia Siddiqui’s return. Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto should take initiative and should become complainant for bringing Dr. Aafia to Pakistan and the world must raise the voice in favor of the oppressed woman.