Dr. Aafia has suffered as much as any man in Guantánamo Bay & unless we act she will die in her horrible Texas prison: Clive Smith

KARACHI, Feb 28 (SABAH): Clive Stafford Smith JD, OBE, lawyer for the Rabbanis and Dr. Aafia Siddiqui; Dr. Fowzia Siddiqui, sister to Aafia; and Jawad Rabbani, 20 year old son of Ahmed Rabbani who met his father for the first time last Friday at noon.

At 12 noon Pakistan time on Friday, Ahmed Rabbani and his brother Abdul landed in Islamabad, released after 20 years of torture and detention without trial in the Dark Prison in Kabul and Guantánamo Bay. It may have been belated, but their lawyer and Ahmed’s son (who had never touched his father) will reveal the details of their mistreatment, and the importance of the Government of Pakistan’s ultimate intervention. Jawad will describe the torment of missing his father all these years, and the joy of their final meeting at Islamabad Airport.

The spotlight now turns to Aafia Siddiqui, the daughter of the nation who is the only woman forced to endure the same “Rendition to Torture” program as the Rabbanis. Dr. Fowzia has campaigned tirelessly for her sister, and Clive Stafford Smith recently met with Aafiain her Texas prison. They will describe her situation and call on the Pakistan Government to work with them and other supporters towards a solution.

“It is a magic moment to have coffee with the Rabbani brothers in the Ramada hotel, instead of a Guantánamo cell,” said Clive Stafford Smith Director of the non-profit 3DCentre. “However, we must now turn to Aafia. She has suffered as much as any man in Guantánamo Bay, and unless we act she will die in her horrible Texas prison.”

“My sister is the Daughter of the Pakistan Nation,” said Dr. Siddique. “It is barely possible for me to think of the torment that my younger sister endures every day. We must get her home.”

“I am so glad finally to have met my father for the first time,” said Jawad Rabbani, aged 20. “We had a lot to catch up on. Now I want to become a human rights lawyer to make sure this does not happen to others.”