Distribution of milk among newborns & innocent children in Gaza under Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan

LAHORE, July 01 (SABAH): Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan’s Palestine relief operation for Gaza is ongoing. Nine children out of every 10 children in the Gaza Strip are suffering from severe malnutrition. In such a situation, Alkhidmat has provided milk to newborn and innocent Palestinian children.

Speaking on this occasion, Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan President Professor Dr. Hafeezur Rehman said that thousands of children in Gaza are suffering from malnutrition. Even if food is available to children, it is sometimes harmful to health, due to which children have health problems, while these children suffering from malnutrition they do not even have the courage to cry anymore. He said due to use of malnutrition a large number of children are suffering from blood related diseases.

He said that in view of the worst situation due to the war in Gaza, the volunteers are struggling to provide all possible relief to the victims. There were scenes that the children in Gaza were seen while weeping for milk. Alkhidmat’s distribution of milk to Palestinian children aims to end the plight and malnutrition of the innocent children of Gaza affected by the humanitarian crisis.