Dismissal of five Kashmiri employees an act of political vendetta: Mehmood Ahmed Saghar

ISLAMABAD, August 16 (SABAH): Convener All Parties Hurriyat Conference and acting chairman Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) Mehmood Ahmed Saghar while taking strong exception to the Indian occupation authorities’ recent move to sack five Kashmiris from government services has termed it as act of political vengeance.

In a statement issued here on Tuesday,  Mehmood Ahmed Saghar said that the employees’ dismissal on mere allegations was nothing but a malicious attempt to deprive Kashmiris of their jobs and their legitimate rights guaranteed to them under the international law.

“Depriving Kashmiris of their jobs and other economic opportunities is in fact part of the Modi led fascist regime’s grand conspiracy to strangulate Kashmiris economically”, the APHC leader said.

“Since New Delhi has failed to suppress Kashmiris’ liberation struggle through the use of its repressive state apparatus, the apartheid regime led by Modi has now discovered a new imperialistic tool to suppress Kashmiris economically”, he said adding targeted victimization of families and relatives of resistance leaders was also part of the government’s nefarious game plan to deter Kashmiris from pursuing their collective cause.  

Referring to the sacking of Hizb Chief Syed Salahuddin Ahmed’s son, Hurriyat leader Farooq Ahmed Dar’s spouse from government services, Mehmood Ahmed Saghar said that it was an obvious example of political vendetta. The Hizb chief and Dar’s family, he said, were being targeted because of their unwavering commitment towards the Kashmir cause.

Urging the international human rights groups to take effective notice of the matter, he said, “It is high time that the world bodies should influence the Indian government to desist from such mean tactics that go against the norms of justice and international law”.