DFP expresses concerns over deteriorating situation, confiscation of civilians’ properties by India in J&K

SRINAGAR, Dec 17, (SABAH): Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) has expressed its grave concern over the worsening human rights situation, confiscation of civilian properties and ongoing killing spree of Kashmiri youth by occupation forces in the Indian occupied territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

In a statement issued on Saturday, the DFP spokesman while voicing his party’s serious concern over the continued violence and bloodshed in the restive region said that the international community should come forward in a big way to help resolve the long-standing dispute that has been the main cause and consequence of bloodshed in the region.

Referring to the ongoing killing spree of youth in different areas of the valley, he said that the ruthless killing was a part of Indian government’s systematic genocide campaign.

The spokesman said that the international human rights organization must take stock of the situation and play their due role to bring an end to the barbaric brutalities being inflicted on Kashmiri people.

He said that the Indian troops operating under a shield of draconian laws have unleashed a reign of terror in the occupied Kashmir. “Innocent people are being harassed and humiliated during cordon and search operations, whereas extra-judicial killings, enforced disappearances, confiscation of civilians’ properties and killing of youth in fake encounters are being used by India as a war tactic to suppress Kashmiris’ legitimate struggle for right to self-determination”, he said.

He said that Indian government was terrorising the families of Hurriyat leaders by attaching their houses and properties.

 He said such mean tactics wouldn’t deter Kashmiri resistance leaders from pursuing the collective cause for which they have given unprecedented sacrifices.

The spokesman also voiced his concern over the continued detention of Kashmiri Hurriyat leaders, rights defenders, journalists and civil society activists who have been arrested before and after 5th August 2019.