Dengue is a social as well as medical problem: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al-Fareed Zafar

LAHORE, Sep 04 (SABAH): Postgraduate Medical Institute Principal Professor Dr. Muhammad Al-Fareed Zafar said that dengue is a social as well as medical problem whereas medical professionals, civil society and the media persons should create awareness on “hygiene guidelines & cleanliness is half faith”. He added that citizens can follow these rules not only to stay safe from diseases but also to reduce the expenses incurred on treatment.

These views were expressed by Prof. Al-Fareed Zafar while addressing a seminar organized by Deputy Chief Nursing Superintendent Zamurd Khursheed on “Prevention of Dengue is Everyone’s Shared Responsibility” at Lahore General Hospital. MS Dr. Faryad Hussain, Zamurd Khursheed, Nursing Officer Saira Aslam informed the participants in detail about the symptoms, preventive measures and modern treatment methods of dengue virus. On this occasion President YDA Dr. Haseeb Thind, Medical Professionals, Nursing Officers and a large number of the students of nursing college AMC/LGH were present.

Prof. Al-Fareed Zafar said that according to the vision of CM Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif, Punjab will be free from dengue virus and will eradicate these diseases from the roots. Principal PGMI further said that women are more than half of our population, those who are associated with health and education sector in their communities can play the key role in paying household responsibilities and keeping them clean to eradicate dengue virus and their hygiene lifestyle can create a healthy society. In this Seminar, medical experts highlighted the symptoms and preventive measures of dengue epidemic and said that fever along with headache, pain in muscles, bones or joints, nausea, vomiting, eye pain, swelling of glands and itching are the main symptoms. They said that don’t let clean water stand, make sure to use mosquito nets, spray, it is possible to eliminate dengue mosquitoes by keeping the environment clean. It grows in the collected clean water so it is the important responsibility of the citizens to eliminate these breeding spots, they further said.

Talking to the media, Principal PGMI said that in the light of the orders of the Punjab Government, those people who are affected by the dengue virus admitted in LGH, free best medical facilities are being provided to them, diagnostic tests and supply of medicines are also ensured.

Prof. Al-Fareed paid tribute to 2nd year nursing student late Asma Kanwal, daughter of a blind father Karim Bakhsh who sacrificed her life in Lahore General Hospital during the dengue epidemic 13 years ago. While saving the lives of the patients, she herself was suffering from dengue disease and breathed her lost to fight this epidemic. He said that late Asma Kanwal has set a shining example for the elevation of her field which is a beacon for all nurses.

Prof. Al-Farid Zafar said that the whole world will be shining in the light of the candle of human service lit by martyr Asma Kanwal. He said that Asma Kanwal was martyred on September 27, 2011. As in the past, candles will be lit in the memory of Asma Kanwal and reciting Quran will be held at Lahore General Hospital.