Delegation of Jammu & Kashmir Political & Hurriyat leaders garners Turkish support

ANKARA, August 10 (SABAH): A delegation comprised of esteemed political and Hurriyat leaders from both sides of the State of Jammu & Kashmir, led by Chaudhry Lateef Akbar, Speaker of the Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK) Legislative Assembly, concluded a series of comprehensive meetings and discussions in Ankara the Capital of Turkiye. The delegation was convened to advocate for the Kashmir Freedom Movement and seek international support for plebiscite process as per agreed upon UN Resolutions and Solidarity for the in favour of besieged people of State of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

The delegation included prominent figures Including Chaudhry Latif Akbar the Speaker of Legislative Assembly of AJK, Mehmood Ahmed Saghar, Convenor of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference Jammu and Kashmir, Abdur Rashid Turabi, Former Member of the Legislative Assembly of Azad Kashmir, Altaf Ahmed Bhat, Senior Member of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference in Jammu Kashmir, and Dr. Mubeen Shah, Senior Vice Chairman of the Kashmir Diaspora Coalition, constituted the core members of the delegation.

During the course of their visit, the delegation held significant meetings with key Turkish figures, solidifying the importance of international support for the Kashmir Freedom Movement. The series of engagements began with Dogan bekin Of Rifah Party, Member National  Assembly followed by meeting with Burhan Kayaturk, Member of National Assembly of Turkey and a staunch supporter of Kashmir Freedom Movement, providing a foundation for productive discussions. Also Cantürk Alagöz-Ak Party National Assembly member was met. Besides Mehmet karamana National Assembly Member of Saadet Party

A subsequent meeting with Mustafa Kayaturk, Vice President of the Saadet Party, marked an important milestone. The delegation was able to articulate the urgency of the Kashmir issue and garner support from diverse sections of Turkish political leadership.

In a strategic move, the delegation engaged with Mevlut Cavusoglu, former foreign minister of Turkey and member of the Turkish National Assembly. This encounter underlined the significance of the Kashmir cause on the global diplomatic stage, amplifying the voices of the oppressed.

The apex of the delegation’s efforts was an invitation to the Turkish Assembly, where they were received by Speaker Celal Adan. The warmth of the welcome and the appreciation extended to the delegation highlighted the shared bond of humanity. The Turkish Parliament acknowledged the resilience and aspirations of the people of Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir and reaffirmed their commitment to supporting them on all international forums.

Throughout their visit, the delegation’s meetings were characterized by productive exchanges. The Turkish leaders affirmed their solidarity and expressed a commitment to amplifying the plight of the besieged people of Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir. This united front reflects a promising step towards a just and peaceful resolution.

The delegation passionately conveyed the dire situation in the region. They highlighted the tragic target killings of Kashmiri youth and the deliberate destruction of educational opportunities. The abrogation of Article 370 and 35A by the Modi-led BJP government in August 2019 triggered a wave of devastation. The Indian government’s actions led to the destruction of businesses, educational institutes, the economy, and the healthcare sector in Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir. The social and political fabric of the region was severely compromised, while the issuance of fake and illegal domicile certificates aimed to change the region’s demography through which India is now doing “Demographic Terrorism “ in Kashmir.

In line with their mission, the delegation urged Turkish Members of Parliament to play a pivotal role in urging the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to exercise its significant influence in addressing the Kashmir issue particularly by implementing the resolutions passed in 1949 besides the recent ones which wanted India to allow visits of OIC representatives to Kashmir failing which economic sanctions could be imposed as specified in 1994 resolutions.

The involvement of such esteemed representatives amplifies the global discourse on the plight of Kashmiris and the imperative for a swift resolution.

The delegation’s core demands were highlighted repeatedly. They emphasized their unwavering commitment to the implementation of United Nations (UN) resolutions through a plebiscite. Furthermore, they strongly advocated for the removal of the one million occupation forces deployed by India in Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir.