Decision of Federal Shariah Court against interest bases system represents the aspirations of masses: Sirajul Haq

LAHORE, May 11 (SABAH): A meeting of the leaders of different religious parties, scholars and economic experts held at Mansoorah under the chair of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Emir Sirajul Haq, has warned the government to take measures to eliminate interest-based economy and banking system or get ready to face the 1977-like movement.

It was now duty of the government to revive economy in line with Islamic model and according to the decision of the Federal Shariah Court, said Sirajul Haq while addressing the participants.

The meeting paid tribute to the three-member bench of the Federal Shariah Court to give a historic verdict representing the wishes of the entire nation.

Dr Farid Ahmed Paracha, Professor Muhammad Ibrahim Khan, Asadullah Bhutto Advocate and leaders and representatives of Tanzeem-e-Islami, JamiatAhle Hadith, Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam and other parties attended the session held to discuss plan to push the government to eliminate riba.

Addressing on the occasion JI Emir Sirajul Haq said that the decision of the Federal Shariah Court against the interest bases system represents the aspirations of the masses. He said that for improvement in the economy and prosperity, the war against Almighty Allah and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) should have to be stopped. He said that interest bases investment system has made the whole humanity slave, adding that the purpose of the establishment of Pakistan was to implement the system of Islam but this dream could not be fulfilled in 73 years. He said that the time has come when we being a nation should struggle for converting the whole system according to the Islamic principles. Sirajul Haq said that Ulema and all the people who love with Ideology of Pakistan should have to play role in this regard. He said that without getting rid of the IMF and World Bank and converting the economy on the Islamic principles, the country could not be converted into an Islamic welfare state. He said that Jamaat-e-Islami has carried out a long struggle for the protection of the Ideology of Pakistan.

Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Dr. Farid Ahmed Paracha said the government must not adopt delaying tactics rather it should start working to build the economy on Zakar and Ushar. He said Islam provided complete model of economy and it was the only way forward to get rid of the foreign loans, poverty and inflation. Riba, he said, is the war against Allah and who could succeed in war against Allah Almighty. He said the interest-based capitalist system enslaved the humanity and provided benefit to less than one percent elite. He warned if the government, any bank or individual went to file the review petition against the decision, the nation will hold them accountable, ensuing their social boycott.

Professor Ibrahim said it was responsibility of the government to implement all the Islamic clauses of the constitution. He said not only the economy, the JI wanted to build the entire system in the light of the teachings of Islam.

Asadullah Bhutto expressed regret that none of the political parties from government and opposition sides had given any reaction over the Shariah Court verdict.