Country is being ruled by club of 40 thieves: Ameerul Azim

LAHORE, Feb 08 (SABAH): Secretary General Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Ameerul Azim has said that the country is being ruled by club of 40 thieves and these very 40 thieves chose their own leader every time. He said that the flood of inflation has surpassed the heads of the masses, adding that the rulers say don’t worry. He said that Pakistan will remain away from its real destination till the opening of the door of the religion, adding that the nation should support Jamaat-e-Islami. He said that when Hafiz Salman Butt came in politics and defeated the people installed by big generals, adding that he was the heartbeat of the people and run in their blood.

This was stated by Ameerul Azim while addressing the ceremony organized by National Labour Federation for the inauguration of “Hafiz Salman Butt Labour Hall”. Central President of the National Labour Federation Shamsur Rehman Swati, Emir JI Lahore Zikrullah Mujahid, senior columnist Azeem Chaudhry, Railway Prem Union Chairman Ziauddin Ansari, President Prem Union Sheikh Muhammad Anwar, JI Youth Pakistan Secretary General Shahid Naveed MaliK and other leaders were also present on the occasion.

Ameerul Azim said that Hafiz Salman Butt was the powerful voice for the labourers, players, students and suppressed segments of society inside and outside the parliament. He said that JI has started staging sit-ins against inflation, unemployment and failed polices of the government in whole country, adding that it is need of the hour that all the labour unions of the country should become the part of these sit-ins while becoming united.

Ameerul Azim said that landlords, corrupt capitalists, stooges of the establishment are the cause of the problems of the country.

At the end of the ceremony Ameerul Azim along with other leaders inaugurated the “Hafiz Salman Butt Labour Hall”. On the occasion leaders of different unions were also present.