Commitment to progressive policies …. Saira Samo

Asif Zardari’s chant of ‘Pakistan Khappay’ and the somber events of December 27 leave a lasting impact on country’s political history. The day marks the tragic assassination of Benazir Bhutto, a leader whose legacy shaped the PPP and whose vision was to follow the political manifesto of her father Zulfikar Ali Bhutto — Roti, Kapra aur Makan — a tribute to the party’s commitment to democratic principles.

When Benazir Bhutto returned to Pakistan from years of self-imposed exile in London, it stirred hope for betterment, carrying with her a powerful slogan aimed at turning dreams into reality after a prolonged absence. She aspired to restore true democracy, boldly declaring that “democracy is the best revenge”.

On the fateful day of December 27, 2007, as she addressed a gathering in Rawalpindi, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation. However, the enemies of democratic ideals rejoiced in muting the voice of liberation. Unfortunately, the day took a grievous turn as Benazir Bhutto, the champion of democracy, was assassinated. This event, while confining personal loss to her family, dealt a severe blow to the nation’s political history, manifesting not only the silencing of a beloved leader but also leaving an irreparable void for democratic idealists.

The PPP’s successful tenure in 2008 demonstrated the party’s commitment to democratic governance. The completion of its term witnessed a historic milestone, ensuring the stability of democratic institutions in a country often marred by political unrest.

Former President Asif Ali Zardari took a bold step by implementing the Charter of Democracy, contributing to the overall progress and stability of the nation. The government achieved historic milestones during its term, including completing the first full term of a democratic government in the country. A significant accomplishment was the constitutional reforms, with the 18th Amendment restoring the Constitution close to its 1973 original form. This included the removal of anomalies and the granting of provincial autonomy through the abolishment of the Concurrent List, enhancing the strength of the federation.

The unanimous passage of the seventh NFC Award, long overdue, further strengthened the federation by addressing financial imbalances. The PPP leadership embraced a consensus-driven approach, with a healthy tradition by avoiding the politics of victimisation. During its term, no cases against political opponents were framed.

Taking charge during a global financial crisis, the PPP implemented impactful programmes for the poor, such as the Benazir Income Support Programme and Pakistan Baitul Maal.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s political manifesto — Roti, Kapra aur Makan — has been a guiding principle for the PPP. This ideology addresses the needs of the people, ensuring social justice and reducing economic disparities. Benazir Bhutto continued this legacy, advocating for policies aimed at poverty alleviation, education and healthcare.

As we look to the future, Bilawal, inheriting the political legacy of his mother and grandfather, emerges as a key figure in politics. His ideals of democracy, as envisioned by his mother, “Democracy is the best revenge”, can bring about positive change.

When Bilawal comes into power, the future holds the promise of continued dedication to the principles of Roti, Kapra aur Makan. His focus should be on socio-economic development, education and healthcare reforms, aiming to uplift the lives of ordinary citizens. With a commitment to progressive policies, if Bilawal accomplishes such tasks, he shall be an ideal leader for the people.

The promised policies for Bilawal include finding real democratic principles for the successful attainment of the party’s manifesto. As set by his maternal grandfather, ‘Roti, Kapra aur Makan’, the mother dreamed to restore democracy in its real essence, and his father made a crucial decision by giving the slogan ‘Pakistan Khappay’ during public turmoil after her demise. The new manifesto of spirited democracy includes principles of transparency, adherence to laws, merit-based decisions and competent leadership to run the wheels of power for the greater good of the people.

Courtesy The Express Tribune, February 5th, 2024.