Chaudhry Sarwar says if he enjoys power to make people prime ministers then why he himself should not become PM

LAHORE, Jan 23 (SABAH): Governor Punjab Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar on Sunday said that if he enjoys power to make people prime ministers then why he himself should not become the prime minister, adding that I even did not become the councilor in Pakistan. He said that every worker has role in making someone prime minister, adding that every voter has role in making the prime minister as it is a collective effort.

It is worth mentioning here that Governor Punjab Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar said on Saturday that he helped Benazir Bhutto, Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan become the prime minister of the country.

On Sunday while talking to media persons after attending a meeting on water, Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar said that democracy has been strengthened in the country during the last 14 or 15 years and this journey should remain continue and whosoever will be liked by masses will come into power.

Chaudhry Sarwar said he has connection with the people at international level and he wants to beg one thing from media that we should keep the armed forces of Pakistan outside from all the political issues, adding that we should not indulge in the debate that what will happen and what will not happen, we should avoid this. He said that our armed forces have rendered great sacrifices.

Chaudhry Sarwar asked media to ask question about water as he said that today’s meeting was about water.

Chaudhry Sarwar said that no one will says about him that he leaves in bad time, adding that I have supported everyone in bad time, adding that whole world acknowledges that I am the companion of difficult time and I never leave anyone in difficult time. Chaudhry Sarwar said that he quitted the PML-N when it was very strong and people were used to say PML-N could not be defeated.

He said that soon the local government elections are going to be held and we have to focus on these elections and choose our candidates, adding that we will accommodate workers on party positions so that they could play their role enthusiastically in next elections.

Chaudhry Sarwar said that he has given explanation regarding Benazir Bhutto and Imran Khan and should come on Nawaz Sharif, adding that when Nawaz Sharif and Shehbaz Sharif were in exile, he was enjoying very good relations with them, adding that when Nawaz Sharif and Shehbaz Sharif were in exile, Labour Party was ruling in Britain and I told them Shehbaz Sharif is the future chief minister and Nawaz Sharif will become the prime minister. Chaudhry Sarwar said on Saturday he had given the same statement but it was present while misquoting and out of context.

Chaudhry Sarwar said that the people were used to say Joe Biden will not win but I had predicted his win and it was his prediction and calculation, adding that it was his prediction that Nawaz Sharif will win the 2013 election and I had also supported his party. He had not made him prime minister but he was one of the many who run campaign.

Chaudhry Sarwar said that PTI will government will give relief to masses in next one and half years, adding that government is providing health cards to masses and 250 million people are being support through Ehsas Program, adding that we will make all out efforts to make Imran Khan again prime minister of country after next elections.

Replying a question, Chaudhry Sarwar said that British visas were issued to Nawaz Sharif and Shehbaz Sharif on merit, adding that there was some political misrepresentation and he played his role in removing this political misrepresentation.

Chaudhary Muhammad Sarwar said the government is committed to provide clean drinking water to masses in the province. He said transparency will be ensured in all ongoing projects of water filtration. He said filtration plants will be inaugurated in Multan while the facility of solar water pumps will be provided to the people. The Governor said that efforts are underway to restore the closed water schemes. Talking about politics, the governor said democracy has strengthened in the country and this journey will continue.