Chairman JKSDMI Raja Najabat Hussain writes letter to British PM Sir Keir Starmer

LONDON, Sep 20 (SABAH): Chairman of the Jammu Kashmir Self Determination

Movement International (JKSDMI) Raja Najabat Hussain has written a letter to British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and has expressed concerns on behalf of the JKSDMI and the Kashmiri diaspora regarding the elections being conducted in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Raja Najabat Hussain wrote these elections, while portrayed as a democratic process, cannot and must not be viewed as a legitimate replacement for the plebiscite promised to the Kashmiri people under the United Nations resolutions, notably those supported by the United Kingdom. The Kashmiri people have been waiting for over seven decades for the fulfillment of the promise made to them by the international community to determine their own political future through a fair and impartial plebiscite. The elections currently underway in Indian-occupied Kashmir cannot serve as a substitute for this right of self-determination. They do not address the core issues of political autonomy or the aspirations of the Kashmiri people for their rightful participation in decisions concerning their future. Moreover, these elections occur amidst continued military occupation, mass detentions, restrictions on free movement, communication blackouts, and human rights abuses.

Raja Najabat Hussain wrote under such conditions, any form of electoral process lacks credibility and fails to represent the will of the Kashmiri population. The international community, particularly the United Kingdom, must question the legitimacy of any electoral process carried out in these conditions and reaffirm the need for the plebiscite that has long been promised. The UK has a unique historical responsibility in this matter, given its role in the partition of the subcontinent and its commitment to ensuring a just and peaceful resolution to the Kashmir dispute.

As representatives of a democratic nation that values human rights and self determination, I urge you to consider the following:

1. Reaffirm the UK’s Commitment to the UN Resolutions: The UK must restate its commitment to the UN Security Council resolutions that call for a plebiscite in Kashmir and publicly support efforts to uphold these resolutions.

2. Condemn the Electoral Process in Indian-Occupied Kashmir: Acknowledge that elections conducted under military occupation and in a climate of repression do not equate to the legitimate expression of the Kashmiri people’s will.

3. Demand an End to Human Rights Violations: Call for an end to the ongoing human rights violations in the region, including arbitrary arrests, enforced disappearances, and restrictions on freedom of speech and assembly.

4. Advocate for International Mediation: Encourage the UK government to play an active role in facilitating dialogue between India, Pakistan, and the Kashmiri leadership to reach a peaceful and just resolution.

Raja Najabat Hussain wrote the ongoing situation in Kashmir continues to threaten regional stability and violates the fundamental human rights of its people. It is time for the international community, and the UK in particular, to stand firmly on the side of justice, peace, and the rule of international law.

“I would be grateful for your support in raising this matter in Parliament and ensuring that the UK’s voice is used to advocate for the rights of the Kashmiri people” Raja Najabat Hussain concluded.